Updates to Existing Features
Texas GPS Integration Fully Enabled for Texas Child-Centered Care (T3C) Fields
Any T3C data that has been previously entered into extendedReach will now be sent. For information on the T3C fields for Texas GPS please see: Texas GPS Integration Data Point Fields - Home File (Foster Care).
Unsupported File Type Rejection/Removal
Now when including an attachment on a report or activity extendedReach will evaluate the type of file being attached and will reject files that are of type listed below:
- .exe
- .com
- .scr
- .vbs
- .bat
- .js
A message will appear if a file has been rejected.
Above screenshot shows the message for an unsupported file type attachment that has been removed.
Bug Fixes
Upcoming Events - Displaying Empty by Household Member Names with Double Quote Characters
This has been resolved for the Foster Care system. Household member names with double quotes will now display as single quotes.