Updates to Existing Features
Field Code Performance Improvement
For the General Case Management system an update was made to improve the performance/generation of activities and reports that use field codes with the syntax such as <CCREP-CustomField_Value_X-Report Name> and <CCACT-field-activity_type> especially for those with a large number of response documents.
835 Remittance
For the General Case Management system when a remittance for a claim containing more than one service is received the generated payment record will now split the amount received among the claimed invoices instead of a credit balance being applied to the first matching invoice only.
Bug Fixes
Names - Tab and Space Characters
This has been resolved for the Foster Care and General Case Management systems. Logic was added to remove errant tab and space characters from all names. This change only applies to newly entered information. Other characters such as accent marks and hyphens are still allowed.