This article will give an overview of the data point fields for GPS within the case file.
With Texas CPS providers being required to submit placement criteria and vacancies to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services General Placement Search (GPS) we offer an electronic data transfer (EDT) of GPS data through extendedReach. Data entered into extendedReach will be sent to GPS in real-time as it is saved.
- Texas GPS Integration enabled: Enabling Texas GPS Integration (Foster Care)
- An extendedReach User ID with the following permissions
- Edit Cases
- Edit Case Activities
- Edit Case Reports
Case File: General tab - Foster Care Case Information
Above screenshot shows the general tab of a case file noting the anticipated discharge field.
Anticipated Discharge: This field becomes required after enabling the GPS data collection. For new cases added this date will default to 12 months from admission date but can be edited if different than 12 months out. For current cases this field will need to be updated. This date is used in the calculations of anticipated vacancies and anticipated vacancy dates.
Case File: Case File tab - Placement Record
Above screenshot shows the placement record of a case file noting the This is a non-DFPS placement check box.
This is a non-DFPS placement: Check the box for any placement that does not come from DFPS. This field is used in calculating numbers of non-DFPS children in the home for GPS.