This article will give an overview of the data point fields for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services General Placement Search (GPS) integration within the home file.
With Texas CPS providers being required to submit placement criteria and vacancies to the (GPS) we offer an electronic data transfer (EDT) of GPS data through extendedReach. Data entered into extendedReach will be sent to GPS in real-time as it is saved.
- Texas GPS Integration enabled: Enabling Texas GPS Integration (Foster Care)
- An extendedReach User ID with the Edit Homes permission
Home File: General tab - GPS Identification
Above screenshot shows the location of items 1-5 covered below.
- Facility: For homes that do not need to send data to GPS there is the No option. For those that do, there is the Yes option. When Yes is selected the Facility ID field will be required. The checkbox is available for home that fictive kin or kinship to be filtered out of the GPS submission.
- Facility ID: This ID is used to match the home record to its GPS record. This ID comes from the public provider portal where licensing information about the home is found.
- Secondary: For homes that do not have secondary and QRTP contracts there is the No option. For those that do, there is the Yes option. When Yes is selected the Resource ID field will be required.
- Resource ID: This ID is used to match the home record to its GPS record for secondary and QRTP providers.
- ORR: For homes that accept children from ORR there is the Yes option. For homes that do not there is the No option.
Home File: GPS Criteria tab - Summary
Above screenshot shows the location of items 1-3 covered below.
- Instruction area: message about who needs to or does not need to complete this form/page.
- Beds area: counts box displays the used beds, help beds (current clients), borrowed beds, and bed holds count for the home.
- Placement/household grid: information is displayed including name, date of birth, relationship, age, non-DFPS status, and anticipated discharge for all placements and household members that are not the Parent A or B.
Home File: GPS Criteria tab - Placement Criteria for this Home
Above screenshot shows the location of items 1-20 covered below.
- Facility ID: This ID is used to match the home record to its GPS record. This is pulled from the General tab of the home.
- Resource ID: This ID is used to match the home record to its GPS record for secondary and QRTP providers. This is pulled from the General tab of the home.
- Maximum Capacity: For the home. This is pulled from the Licensing tab of the home.
- Gender(s) Accepted: For the home. This is pulled from the Licensing tab of the home.
- Minimum Age Accepted: For the home. This is pulled from the Licensing tab of the home.
- Maximum Age Accepted: For the home. This is pulled from the Licensing tab of the home.
- Number of Vacancies: Accordance with capacity and bed count.
- Number non-DFPS Children: As seen with placement.
- Anticipated Vacancies: Accordance with placement case file anticipated discharge date.
- Anticipated Vacancy Date: Accordance with placement case file anticipated discharge date.
- Preferences: List of yes or not questions to placement preferences for the home.
- Supported Races: Check box for placement races for home.
- Supported Languages: Check box for languages for the home.
- Supported Religions: Check box for support religions for the home.
- Service Level: Check box for service levels able to be provided by the home.
- Specialized Services: Check box for specialized services able to be provided by the home.
- IQ Levels Accepted: Options for accepted IQ level of placement.
- T3C: Check box if home is credential for T3C services.
- T3C Service Packages: Check box for service packages able to be provided by the home.
- T3C Service Package Addons: Check box for service package addons able to be provided by the home.
Home File: GPS Criteria tab - School Information
Above screenshot shows the location of items 1-8 covered below.
Search School Districts: Can search for applicable school district in the search bar or from the list.
Selected District Code: Displays selected school district code.
Elementary School Name: Displays elementary school name pulled from the General tab of the home.
Is Charter School: Yes or No option for elementary school.
Middle School Name: Displays middle school name pulled from the General tab of the home.
Is Charter School: Yes or No option for middle school.
High School Name: Displays high school name pulled from the General tab of the home.
Is Charter School: Yes or No option for high school.
Home File: GPS Criteria tab - Additional Placement Information and Synchronization Results
Above screenshot shows the location of items 1-4 covered below.
- Text box to provide a place to type any additional placement information with a max of 300 characters.
- Last Attempted: Lists the time and date of last synchronization.
- Status: Lists the status for the home, never, excluded, or success.
- Response: For reason of status other than success.