This article will walk you through the process of enabling the Texas GPS data collection integration. Through this feature you will:
- Enable the Texas GPS Data collection integration
- Configure integration contacts
- Change the anticipated discharge field requirement
With Texas CPS providers being required to submit placement criteria and vacancies to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services General Placement Search (GPS) System, we offer an electronic data transfer (EDT) of GPS data through extendedReach. Data entered into extendedReach will be sent to GPS in real-time as it is saved.
- System used for Texas
- An extendedReach User ID with Full Administrator user permissions.
Follow the below instructions for enabling the Texas GPS data collection, configuring integration contacts, and changing the anticipated discharge field requirement by selecting the "Get Started" button below.
Q: What if we need more information or help with GPS?
A: Information about GPS can be found here. For assistance email the GPS team at when emailing be sure to include the following
- CPA Name
- Name of Home(s) you have a question about
- Facility ID # for the Home(s)