Personal funds tracks the balance of one or more "Accounts" for a Case. Account balances are increased or decreased through a "Deposit" or a "Withdrawal" associated with a Case and an "Account" type.
This feature allows a simple way to track funds, but it does not integrate with the accounting / billing features of extendedReach (in other words - it *does not* integrate with aging, invoices, or posting functionality). This feature is available to all plan levels (Essential through Enterprise).
After following the setup steps to enable this feature, Personal funds are tracked by designating an Activity Type with a property of "Personal Funds (advanced)" which displays a predetermined set of fields on the Activity screen.
Some other items of note:
- There are no safeguards that prevent a negative account balance.
- There are no requirements that a case have all zero balance accounts to discharge/close the case. However, when a case is discharged (from foster care) the transactions are moved from a "active case" status to a "discharged case" status - so that all active case balances can be separated from discharged case balances.
- The Activity Status of the Personal Funds Activity (i.e. Draft"/"Submitted"/"Approved"/"Rejected"/"Completed") - all affect the balance the same way. Activity Types that the agency doesn't want to affect the balance should be deleted.
Enabling the Feature - Program Settings
From your workspace navigate to the Administration menu > Program Settings > Programs.
Select the name of the program you want to enable on.
Click the Edit button on the top menu and navigate to the Setup tab.
Scroll down to the Program Setup section and use the filter setting to search for and enable the Cases: Track "Personal Funds" through a designated Activity Type (advanced) setting.
Then scroll further down to see a new section for "Personal Funds Account Types". Enter in the Account Types (1-per-line). Click Save on the top menu.
Technical Note: The steps you have have just completed, enabled the "Personal Funds" property to be visible on Activity Types within that program and the "Show: Personal Funds" filter to be added to the "Case File" tab for cases within the program.
Enabling the Feature - Organization Settings
To add a "Personal Funds" view to the side-menu.
From your workspace navigate to the Administration menu > Organization Settings > Organization Preferences.
Click the Edit button on the top menu and navigate to the Settings tab.
Scroll down to the Additional Settings section and use the filter setting to search for and enable the System: Show "Personal Funds" under "Casework" in side-menu (advanced) setting. Click Save on the top menu.
Enabling the Feature - creating/designating an Activity Type to track Personal Funds
Create a new activity type to track personal funds - you only need 1 activity type per program for all accounts and transaction types (withdrawals/deposits). You can name the Activity Type whatever you like - but may want to consider something similar to "Personal Funds Transaction" or just "Personal Funds" for easier tracking.
The following properties in the screenshot are also recommended.
Designating the Activity Type as a "Group Activity" allows the the same Deposit / Withdrawal Amount to occur across multiple residents at the same time.
Using Personal Funds Tracking
Create the "Personal Funds" activity from the case screen. (as you would any other activity).
When the activity type appears - the Personal Funds fields appear. The fields displayed allow you to designate an Account, whether it is a Withdrawal/Deposit, enter a non-negative $ amount, and an optional memo. (These are predetermined fields, meaning no fields can be added or removed to this section of the activity).
- A list of any past transactions within the client's same account also appears as well as a current and running balance.
- Fill out required fields and click "Draft" or "Complete" (you could also designate that the Personal Funds require approval however, remember, that activities of any status affect the balance reporting).
After you save, if you look at any existing / saved "Personal Funds" activity in read-mode, the Personal Funds balance history is clickable - allowing you to navigate between transactions.
Reporting - Case File Tab
You can see individual balances by account on the Case File tab by "Show: Personal Funds" on the Case File tab.
Clicking the "+" next to an account type displays the account detail.
All Personal Funds activity types also are included in regular Activity Type reports on the Case File tab and other side-menu views.
5 system-wide reports:
- by Account (Open)
- by Account (Discharged)
- by Case Name (Open)
- by Case Name (Discharged)
- by Month - Gives a summary of all transactions by Account type (regardless of Case status)
Open/Discharged are split so transactions for Discharged cases don't mix-in with Open Cases - since there is no requirement of $0 balances to Discharge cases.