- Introduction
- Online Referral Settings
- Creating the Online Referral
- Online Referral Website Configuration
- Using the Online Referral Form
- Referral Email Alerts
Our online referrals feature allows agencies to create online referral forms that can be embedded on their public website! From there, visitors fill out the referral form which is then automatically added to the extendedReach system as a new, pending referral.
The online referral form is intended for cases. If you are wanting to capture possible Foster Family applicants, please use the inquiry form found in Organization Preferences -> Family Web -> Inquiries.
Online Referral Settings
The online referral form is a Program Report Type that utilizes the Custom Form Builder to ensure for agency customization and to help meet specific program needs.
From there, click on the Custom tab to begin building your online referral form!
Creating the Online Referral
On the Custom tab, use the drag and drop the fields on the right side of the screen into the “Add Fields Here” box.
Image: Online Referral form building
Mark certain fields required by checking the box next to “Required”. All required fields will show a highlighted yellow label in the custom form builder.
Image: Online Referral required fields
Field codes can also be used auto-fill text in the custom form builder. Field codes can either be placed in the fields or used as help text.
Image: Online Referral field codes
Once the form has been created and finalized, it’s time to put it to use!
Online Referral Website Configuration
On the General tab of the report settings of your online referral, scroll down to the Online Referral Configuration section.
Image: Online Referral default staff
Image: Online Referral customized message
You can also choose to redirect the user to a different page on your website. To do so, click on the “Redirect to URL” button and paste the URL into the URL field.
Image: Online Referral URL redirect
Image: Online Referral advanced CSS
Using the Online Referral Form
Once the form has been added to the website, potential referrals can begin entering in their information! When they have finished entering in their information, they will click on the Submit button which will then provide them the confirmation message or URL redirection.
Image: Online Referral live page
Image: Online Referral confirmation message
Once they click on the Submit button, their information is then sent to extendedReach. You can view the new referrals by going to Case Rosters -> Referrals.
Image: New Online Referral
Looking at the referrals profile on the General tab, you can see all the information that was inputted.
Image: Online Referral general tab
To view the complete form, go to the Case File tab and click on the completed Report.
Image: Online Referral case file
Image: Completed Online Referral
When a new referral is submitted, the system checks for an existing duplicate pending referral for the same program. If one is found, the new referral form is attached as a report to the existing referral – preventing duplicates.
Referral Email Alerts
Referral email alerts allow you to notify workers or supervisors when a pending referral is entered into the system, and when a referral is accepted or denied.
Similar to other email alerts, you can then specify who you want to receive that email alert in the “Who should receive this notification?” section.
For more information about email alerts, click here.