Foster Care - Case Screen: Health Tab - Medications


  • Introduction
  • Case Screen: Health Tab Medications Layout
  • Add New Medication 
  • Medication Information
  • Dosage Information
  • Response/Reaction to Medication



This article is meant to assist you with the Medications Portion of the Health Tab in a Case Screen.

If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at 


Case Screen: Health Tab Medications Layout

The Medications tab can be accessed through the Health tab and can be used to track all active and inactive medications.

To add a new medication, click on "Add Medication". 

Image: “Case Screen: Health Tab Medications Layout”


Add New Medication 

When you click on "Add Medication", you will be brought to a new page where you can enter in medication information, dosage information, file attachments, and any known responses or reactions to the medications.

Don't forget to save any new medications or edits to current medications! 

Image: “New Medication General Tab”


Medication Information

Image: “Medication Information Section”

Field Name Description
Status Indicate whether the medication is active or inactive
Medication Name Name of the medication
Generic Indicates the medication is generic
Psychotropic Indicates the medication is psychotropic
Controlled Indicates the medication is controlled
Bloodwork Required Indicates whether there is blood-work required
Reason Reason for the prescription
Date Prescribed Date prescription was given
Prescribed By Who the medication was prescribed by
RX # Prescription number
Refills Left How many refills are left for the prescription
Refill Date Date of medication refill
Discontinued On Date the medication was discontinued / no longer in use


Dosage Information

Enter in the specific dosage instructions, amount, and times. If the medication is not taken daily and is on an as needed basis, check the box next to "As Needed". 

Image: “Dosage Information Section”


Response/Reaction to Medication

Select any and all known side effects the medication may cause.

Image: “Response/Reaction to Medication Section”

Field Name Description
Response Date Date there was a reaction to the medication
Response to Medication Select whether there was an increase or decrease in the level of functioning
Response Comments Any comments about the response to the medication
Potential Side Effects Select all side effects that apply
Other Side Effects List any side effects that were happened and were not included on the above list


File Attachments

Attach any files relating to the medication by clicking on the paperclip icon.

Image: “File Attachments Section”

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