Foster Care - Case Screen: Compliance Tab


  • Introduction
  • Compliance Tab Overview
  • Categories
  • Features
  • Filter and Export Compliance Tracking



This article is meant to assist you with the “Compliance Tab” within a Case. The “Compliance Tab” is designed to provide a high-level glance of activities or reports that have been collected, are missing, or are due. The “Compliance Tab” shows only the most recent document for each item. If you need to see prior versions of a document (such as previous Service Plans), you should refer to the Case File Tab.

If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at 


Compliance Tab Overview

The Compliance tab uses color coding to help indicate the status of the reports and activities. Below are the colors used as well as what they indicate:

  • Green: item has been completed OR item is due or expires more than 10 days from now
  • Red: item is missing, past due, or has expired
  • Yellow: item is currently drafted/ in progress or expires within the next 10 days
  • White: optional items that will only appear if you click on “Show Hidden, Optional Items” at the top of the Compliance Tab section. If you add a document to an optional item, eR will begin tracking compliance status for this item with one of the colored icons above.

Image: “Compliance Tab Overview”

Image: “Compliance Tab: Show Hidden/Optional Items Button”



Items on the Compliance Tab are organized into categories. All items within a category are listed alphabetically.

Here are some typical Compliance Tab categories:

  • Admission or Intake
  • Casework
  • Medical/Dental
  • Legal
  • Behavioral
  • Discharge

These categories can be changed by an agency administrator in Program Settings under the Setup tab.

Image: “Compliance Tab Categories”



Access to each item is achieved by clicking on the blue hyper-link next to an Activity or Report..

Image: “Compliance Tab: Activity/Report Access”


Click on the three dots to the right of each entry, to access previous versions of items on the compliance tab. Add new versions, of items that do not expire or have repeating due dates, by clicking on the three dots to the right of an item and select “Add Report”.

Image: “Compliance Tab: Previous Version Access”


Items that have an expiration date or due date link directly to a new version of that item.

Image: “Compliance Tab: Activity/Report Expiration Date”


Filter and Export Compliance Tracking

You have the ability to access a snapshot of the compliance status of all your cases at once, and then filter and/or export this information.

To access Compliance Tracking for all your cases: from your Workspace under “Cases” on the left side of your screen, hover over “Case Tasks” and click on “Compliance Tracking”.

Image: “Compliance Tracking”


To Filter by Program, click on the Program Box at the top of the screen, scroll down to the program you want and click on it. To filter by Caseworker, click on the Caseworker Box at the top of the screen, scroll down to the worker you want to view. 

To Export this information into a Microsoft Word Excel spreadsheet, click on “Excel” at the top of the screen.

Image: “Compliance: Program Filter”


For more report flexibility and customizing options, please contact to discuss adding Zoho Reports to your platform.

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