Foster Care - Case Screen: Case File Tab


  • Introduction
  • Case File 
  • Show
  • Download Files


This article is meant to assist you with the Case File Tab in a Case Screen.

If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at 


Case File Tab Layout

The Case File view allows you to view all completed, due, drafted, or expiring reports and activities. Additionally, you can view any case revision history, placement history, and more!

Image: “Case Screen: Case File Tab Layout”


Use the "Show" drop-down to select what you want to view in the Case File. 

Image: “Show Case Records Options”

Field Name Description
Activities Displays a list of all due and completed activities for the client
Required Activities Displays a list of all due and completed required activities for the client
Daily Activities View all daily activities completed or coming due 
Case Notes Displays a list of all case notes for the client
Expenses Displays a list of all of the incurred expenses for the client
Medical Displays a list of all medical due/completed dates for the client
Medical Case Notes Displays a list of all medical case notes for the client
Placements Displays a list of all placement history for the client
Placements + Rates Displays a list of all placement and rate changes for the client
Reports Displays a list of all due and completed reports for the client
Revisions Displays a list of all revisions made for the client
Tests Displays a list of all due and completed tests for the client
Audit Log Shows all recent activity in the case, including who has accessed it, edited it, or created any items
Recently Deleted  Lists all items that have been deleted from the case profile in 90 days


Download Files

You can download all of the files available in the Case File directly to your computer in a zip folder. Once downloaded, you will be able to access a folder with all the home documentation, in chronological order. You can choose to either download all files or all files in the last 45 days. 

Image: “Download Files Option”

Image: “Downloads”

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