Foster Care - Adding a Placement


  • Introduction
  • Explanation of a Placement
  • Adding an Initial or Subsequent Placement
  • Scheduled Placements
  • Editing and Deleting a Placement



This article is meant to assist you with adding a placement. If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at 


Explanation of a Placement

Placing a foster care case into a home is called “Placement”. You can add a brand new placement called an “Initial Placement”, or you can change an existing placement also referred to as a “Subsequent Placement”.


Adding an Initial or Subsequent Placement

On the left side of each case screen, you will see a box labeled “Placed With”. If a case is not placed in a home, this box will show an “Add Initial Placement” button. If the case is placed in a home, this box will show a “Change Placement” button as well as the name of the home and effective date of the current placement.

Image: Placement Information


Create a Placement by clicking on “Add Initial Placement” or “Change Placement” button.

Image: Add Placement Button

Image: Change Placement Button


Click on “AWOL” if child is missing. Otherwise, complete the fields in the General Tab.

Image: Add Placement Fields


Placement Information

This section is where all the basic information of the new placement goes. This includes, the placement date, the worker who made the placement change, and who the placement is with.

Image: Initial Placement Information


The easiest way to select a home for the placement is to click on the magnifying glass. A pop-up will then appear allowing you to search for a home or scroll through the available homes. 

To select a home, click on their blue, hyper-linked name. 

Image: Select a Placement Dialogue Box


If you are adding a “Subsequent Placement” the "Do not count in # of placements" check-box will automatically appear indicating that this placement should not be counted as a new foster home placement, but rather a short-term placement (such as respite). extendedReach may automatically check this box based on the “Reason for Move”, but it can be overridden by the user, by un-checking the box.

Additionally, you can choose to change the rate for the placement. If you want to change the rate, check the box next to "Change rate for this placement" 

Image: Subsequent Placement Information


If you change the rate, you will see these additional fields

Image: Change Rate Configuration


Sibling Group

Use this section to indicate whether or not a case is being placed with or without their siblings.

Image: Sibling Group Fields”

Field Name Description
Not Specified No known sibling split.
No Split All siblings together.
Creates a New Split Separates siblings.
Maintains an Existing Split Keep the existing split between siblings.
Ends an Existing Split Ends an existing split between siblings
Also move the following cases to this placement Place a check-mark next to the names you wish to also move into this new placement.


Click on SAVE once you have finished making any changes. 

Image: Save Placement Details


Once a placement has been saved, the full placement history of a case can be viewed by going to Case File > Show: Placements. extendedReach will mark placements as “Active”, “Inactive”, or “Scheduled” based on the placement date. Placement history can also be viewed on the Placement screen. 

Image: Placement History in Case File

Image: Placement History


Scheduled Placements

extendedReach has the capability to schedule one or more placements for a case at a future date (such as placement to and/or from a respite home). To schedule a placement, add a subsequent placement (as describe above) but simply type a future date in the “Placement Date” field. extendedReach will automatically move the case when the placement date arrives.

Image: “Scheduled Placement Fields”


When you schedule a placement, the pop-up below will appear. Click "OK" to schedule the placement. 

Image: “Scheduled Placement Approval”


You can have multiple scheduled placements. For example: a short-term weekend respite placement would require the creation of two scheduled placements: one for Friday into a “Respite” home and one for Sunday: “Return From Respite”.

Image: “Multiple Schedule Placements”


Editing and Deleting Placements

If you make a mistake when creating a placement and need to edit or delete it, those changes must be done from the “Case File” tab (and not by clicking the “Change Placement” button).

From the “Case File” within a case, click on “Show Placements” and modify the date or the home by clicking on the blue, hyperlinked placement types. 

Image: “Edit Placements”


Click on “Edit” and make your changes. Be sure to click "Save" once you are done!  

Image: “Edit Placement”

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