Transitioning to using Advanced Pet/Vehicle Management

*Note: for clarity, the transition steps below describe Vehicles but also applies exactly the same way to Advanced Pet Management.

Vehicles for foster homes were originally tracked using multiple independent report types that weren’t directly associated with particular vehicles entered on the home General tab. With the new Advanced Vehicle Management feature, vehicles are tracked individually in a new Vehicles section on the home General tab, and associated reports are automatically generated and tracked for each vehicle.

Since enabling this feature changes the functionality of the system and related reports, there are some required steps to add existing vehicles to the new section, convert existing reports, and remove tracking on old reports.  

Steps to transition from original vehicle tracking to the new Advanced Vehicle Management feature:

  • Enable the “Homes: Advanced vehicle management” setting in Organization Settings > Organization Preferences, under the Settings tab. This can only be done by a System Administrator.
  • Once the above setting is enabled, vehicles will need to be added individually in a new “Vehicles” section on the home General tab for each home. The vehicle name, description, and tag # can be added. Vehicles can be added by any user with permissions to edit a home record. 

  • With original vehicle-tracking functionality, most systems were set up with multiple report types for each compliance item (Vehicle Registration #1, Vehicle Registration #2, etc.). For Advanced Vehicle Management, you will only need one report type to track each compliance item – so one for Vehicle Registration and one for Vehicle Insurance. When transitioning to Advanced Vehicle Management, we recommend adjusting the Report Category on the #1 version and marking the others as Inactive. 
  • Once the report types are reconfigured, existing reports entered for homes and vehicles using the old report types need to be converted to the new report type. To do this, first create a new report using the newly reconfigured report type, then add any necessary attachments and expiration dates. This must be done individually for each existing report for each vehicle. 
    • It can either be done right after the report types are adjusted, or it can be done over time as individual items expire. However keep in mind, if these are converted individually over time, only newly entered reports would reflect the specific vehicle name in the title. Also once the previous report types are made Inactive, expiration date tracking will continue, but the items will no longer appear in the Compliance tab. Reports can be added or converted by any user who has permissions to add home reports.
  • When existing items are converted to the new report types, expiration date tracking is reset and tracked under the adjusted report type moving forward. Because of this, the “Stop Tracking Expiration” button then needs to be clicked on any of the existing reports with the old setup. This can be done either by a System Administrator or by any user with the "Allow 'Stop Tracking Expiration' Dates on Activities + Reports” permission.
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