Home Screen: General Tab


  • Introduction
  • Home Screen: General Tab Layout
  • Home Information
  • Household Information
  • Address/Contact Information
  • Home Information
  • School Information
  • Disaster Plan – Emergency Location
  • Mailing List Preferences



This article is meant to assist you with the General Tab in a Home Screen.

If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at support@extendedreach.com. 


Home Screen: General Tab Layout

Image: “Home General Tab”


Home Information

Image: “Home Information”

Field Name Description
Agency Home # The is the home’s identifying number associate with your agency.
Worker Select from the drop-down menu, who will be working on this case. As the provider type changes, so may the worker.
Adoption Worker If this is an adoptive home, you can select an adoption worker from the drop-down menu to work this home. This name is almost always different from the caseworker.
Home Type Home type will depend on the options your agency offers. In this example only households are offered, so no drop-down menu appears.
Inquiry Date Select the Inquiry Date from the calendar icon.
Intake Date Select the Intake Date from the calendar icon.
Organization This field should auto-fill with your agency name.
Branch If your organization has multiple locations or units that provide a distinct service within a particular program you may have branches within your organization. Each home is associated with a particular branch.
Vendor Number Identify a vendor number if this applies.
Provider Type Select the correct provider type from the drop-down menu. This will change is the home is moving through the licensing process.
Referral Source Select the referral source from the drop-down menu if your agency tracks that information.
Adoption Application If this is an adoptive home, you can select the Adoption Application Date from the calendar icon.
Track Inquiry Information Check this box if you would like to continue tracking inquiry information, even if the home is moved from an inquiry to a new provider type.
On Hold If you check this box, additional fields will appear prompting for more information on the reason for the hold, and the anticipated take-off hold date
Special Investigation If you check this box, an additional field will appear prompting for the date the investigation was initiated.


Household Information

Enter in the basic household information in this section including, names, date of birth, phone numbers, licenses, etc.

Image: “Household Information”

Field Name Description
Parent A and Parent B The name(s) you use will auto-fill parent name(s) for this household in eR.
Last Name Parent’s last name
First Name Parent’s first name
Middle Name Parent’s middle name
Mobile Phone Parent’s mobile phone number
Work Phone Parent’s work phone number
SSN # Parent’s social security number
Driver License # Parent’s drivers license number
Gender Gender of the parent
Race Race of the parent
Religion Parent’s observed religion
Date of Birth Parent’s date of birth
Employer Name of the parent’s employer
Occupation Parent’s occupation/title
Work Hours Hours/days worked during the week
Employed Since Date of first day of current employment
Education Parent’s highest education level
Birthplace Parent’s birthplace
Marital Status Marital status of the home
Monthly Income Monthly income earned
Church Name of the church the family attends
Primary Language Primary language spoken by the parents
Secondary Language Secondary language spoken by the parents


Address/Contact Information

Enter in the physical address of the home in the Address/Contact Info section. If they use a different address for mailing, check the box next to "Separate mailing address" and enter in the mailing address into the new fields that appear. 

Image: “Address/Contact Information Section”

Field Name Description
Street Line 1 Home street address
Street Line 2  Apartment or townhome unit number
City Home city
State Home state
County County the home resides in
Main Phone Home main phone number
Work Home work phone number
Fax Home fax number
Primary Email Home primary email address
Secondary Email Home secondary email address


Home Information

Use the fields in these sections to include additional details about the physcial aspects of the home (how many bedrooms, status of the basement egress, if there is handicap access, etc.)

You can also use this section to enter in additional bedroom, vehicle, and pet information. If you are using the Advanced Pet and Vehicle Management, click here for information on how to add pets and vehicles.  Depending on the numbers selected in the home information section for # of bedrooms, vehicles, and pets, additional fields will appear in their corresponding sections. 

Image: “Home Information Section”


School Information

Enter in information about the nearest school district, name of the closest elementary, middle, and high schools near the home.

Image: “School Information Section”


Disaster Plan – Emergency Location

Enter in location information about where the family will be located in an emergency situation. This setting can be enabled by an agency administrator under Organization Preferences (enable the setting "Homes: Track Disaster Planning - Emergency Location"). 

Image: “Disaster Plan – Emergency Location Section”


Mailing List Preferences

Check the box next to "Do not include in mailing list" if the homes does not want to receive mail from the agency. Check the box next to "Returned mail – bad address" if mail sent my the agency was returned to the agency due to an incorrect address. 

Image: “Mailing List Preferences”

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