Organization Preferences - Settings



This article is meant to provide you with details on the Settings Tab in Organizational Preferences. Organizational Preferences is the configuration control center for your agency’s extendedReach system. The Settings Tab is where you will assign custom options that will affect how your agency will work with eR. 




You must be an Agency Administrator to access the “Administration” menu on the left side of your Workspace. Hover over Organization Settings and click on “Organizational Preferences”.




Image: Organizational Preferences Access Screen


General Settings


These are general settings for the system. Enable the setting by clicking on the box. Similarly, disable the setting by removing the checkmark. 


Image: Organizational Preferences - General Settings

General Settings  Description
Automatically assign case #'s Next Number: case # prefix: New cases added to the system will automatically be assigned a case number - here you can see what the next case number will be as well as change the prefix of the number.
Automatically assign customer #'s Keep customer # the same as case # Option to assign customer numbers from a different "counter" than the case number counter. (or just keep customers the same as case #) (or just leave customer #'s left blank) (or just hide customer #'s)
Automatically assign home #'s; next number: home # prefix: New homes added to the system will automatically be assigned a home number - here you can see what the next home number will be as well as change the prefix of the number.
Keep same case # on readmission If a case is closed and then re-admitted, it will keep the original case number.
Manage foster home inquiries Allows for home inquiries to be inputted into the system.
Place all new admissions at: Placement type: Automatically places all new case admissions at a specified home; additionally, specify the type of placement for the case.
Automatically create due activities and reports at intake All reports and activities with a due date will be triggered at intake.
Do not allow entry of activities before: Prevent activities from being added before a specific state.
Restrict placement and rate changes to administrators only before: Allows for all placement and rate changes to be restricted to only administrators before a user-specified date.
Skip proof on activities and reports Hides the proof-reading option for activities and reports.
Default Download Folder: My Documents System Temporary Use the drop-down menu to indicate which folder extendedReach will default to for downloads.
Do not clean up local copies of MS-Word When detaching Word Documents to the local computer, do not remove the copy on successful upload.
Default Funding Organization Use the drop-down menu to select the default funding organization a case will be assigned to.
Default Program for Referrals Use the drop-down menu to select the default program referrals will be assigned to.
Do not require license numbers on foster homes licenses Marks the license number field for homes under the Licensing tab as not required (field is required by default).
Clean up due documents on closed cases and homes that are more than X months past due. Use the drop-down menu to select when due documents for closed homes and cases should be deleted.
Automatically change status of Authorizations to inactive X days after expiration Automatically marks authorizations inactive after a specified number of days after the authorization's expiration.
Automatically logout after X minutes of inactivity Automatically logs user out of the eR system after 5-240 minutes of inactivity. A message that reads, "Due to inactivity, and for data security, we'll automatically sign you out." A countdown show the time until automatic logout. 


Additional Settings 


Additional settings allow you to customize your extendedReach system even more. Scroll down to the bottom and click on "Show Advanced Options" to see all available settings or you can type a keyword into the Filter settings box at the top to display a list of related settings. 

The best way to search for a desired setting in this section is to open up the Advanced Options and use CTRL + F to search for a specific keyword.


Image: Organizational Preferences - Additional Settings: Show Advanced Options

Image: Organizational Preferences - Additional Settings: Filter Settings

Additional Settings Description
System: When selected as funding organization, type in funding worker (vs. drop down) (advanced) When enabled, a drop-down of the funding workers will display.
System: When selected as funding organization, receives claims When enabled, a funding organization is selected on a case, it will receive all claims incurred by the case.
System: When selected as funding organization, prompt for county (advanced) When enabled, adds the "County" field for the funding organization on the general tab of a case file.
System: Uses Organization Variables (advanced) When enabled, uses a list of variables to pre-fill field codes.
System: Uses Organization Goals (advanced) When enabled, used to set goals and then set the target. 
System: Use text application header (vs. image) When enabled, the text that appears on the top of extendedReach (typically agency name) is typed in or is an uploaded image.
System: Use DSM ICD-10 Codes (instead of ICD-9) When enabled, uses DSM ICD-10 codes rather than ICD-9 codes when adding diagnoses to the Behavioral tab.
System: Use child's first initial + last name (vs. full name) for email alerts When enabled, any new or existing email alerts that have the option  "Append Client Name to Subject" and monthly reminder emails will display the client/child's first name initial and full last name.
System: Use advanced password options When enabled, in Organization Settings > Organization Preferences > Settings tab a section is added called, "Advanced Password Options" is added where password requirements can be configured. 
System: Track daily activities for homes When enabled, tracks daily activities (completed, missing, drafted, etc.) for homes.
System: Track daily activities for cases When enabled, tracks daily activities (completed, missing, drafted, etc.) for cases.
System: Temporarily disable revision tracking When enabled, for fields that are revision tracked (such as rate, worker assignment, etc.) - does not create revisions when the value changes.
System: Supervisor Workspace - Only show workers with active cases, homes, or tasks When enabled, the supervisor workspace option available under User IDs, User Groups, and My Preferences. Alters the supervisor workspace to only show active cases, active homes, and tasks.
System: Show ForeignKey and AltForeignKey on forms and views (advanced) When enabled, is used for data conversions for only extendedReach staff (to show keys from the imported systems to help match up records).
System: Only show Administrative Rate When enabled, will only display Administrative rates on the case side screen.
System: Only look at empty homes at first when trying to find available beds (affects HomeMatch, % Occupancy, and Available Homes view) (advanced) When enabled, the HomeMatch tool will prioritize homes that have empty beds when searching for availability over homes that have some occupancy.
System: Only agency administrators can edit or delete reports 24 hours after completion When enabled, prevents non-administrators from editing and deleting reports 24 hours after they have been completed.
System: Only agency administrators can edit or delete activities 24 hours after completion When enabled, prevents non-administrators from editing and deleting activities 24 hours after they have been completed.
System: Link system to a GCM system (advanced) When enabled, allows for the foster care module to link to the General Case Management module - extendedReach staff will link them together.
System: Hide signature dates when printing case note summaries (advanced) When enabled, removes the worker's and/or supervisor's signature date when printing case note summaries.
System: Hide signature dates when printing an individual case note (advanced) When enabled, removes the worker's and/or supervisor's signature date when printing a single case note.
System: Hide rate information from non-Admins When enabled, hides rate information for cases from all workers who are not Full or Billing Administrators. 
System: Hide custom case activities, reports, print templates from side menu When enabled, hides custom case activities, reports, print templates from the side menu if the agency is not sharing programs.
System: Hide confidential information (case notes and file attachments) from staff not associated with case/home When enabled, confidential information will not be viewable by staff not associated with a home or case.
System: Hide Activity/Report Information sections when printing (advanced) When enabled, hides all information regarding the history of the activity/report when printing that view.
System: Enable User Security Groups When enabled, the option "User Groups" is added to Organization Preferences > User Groups. This allows a set customized User ID permissions to be added to a new or existing User ID in the added drop down field "Group" Click here for more information on regarding User Groups. 
System: Enable navigation show/hide settings (advanced) When enabled, restrict items on the side menu for users and can be configured though User IDs and/or User Groups.
System: Do not match email addresses, if mail-In email has case or home number (advanced) When enabled, forwarding emails to the system to be associated with the foster home. It will override email matching to find the right home if the case or home number is specified in the email subject line.
System: Do not include signature images when printing Case Notes (advanced) When enabled, removes the worker's and/or supervisor's signature when printing case note.
System: Automatically complete activities and reports when they are approved When enabled, a report and activity that requires a single level approval (or for multi-level approval the last approval) is approved, the report and activity status will change to complete. 
System: Allow views to be filtered by branch When enabled, adds a branch drop down filter to the left-side menu when accessing the Case Roster > Open Cases, Home Roster > Open Homes or Other Residences Reports, and the Staff Directory.
System: Allow branch filter to be restricted When enabled, User can only access cases, homes, and staff in their branch and the option "Navigate to other Branch(s)" is added to the User IDs.
System: Add organization logo when printing/emailing activities and reports (advanced) When enabled, adds the agency logo on all activities and reports that are printed or emailed from the system.
System: Show program category in view columns When enabled, adds a column for program category on the Case Roster view. 
System: Enable two-factor authentication (advanced) When enabled, adds the option to select "Use Two-Factor Authentication" to a User ID.
Original Description: When checked, allows an Administrator to set two-factor authentication on individual User IDs.  This prompts a User to enter a code sent to phone/email to continue to navigate the system.
System: Enable auditor role (advanced) When enabled, adds Auditor as a role option on the Workspace Setup of the User ID.
System: Add custom URLs to side menu When enable, adds a textbox to Organization Settings > Organization Preferences > Settings tab > Custom Side Menu to add URLs to; which will display in the side menu of a workspace under Summaries > Custom.​
Staff: Use custom labels for case + home workers When enabled, adds a "Custom Labels" section to the organization settings > organization preferences > settings tab to customize worker labels for cases and homes.
Staff: Total staff training hours by hire date (vs. calendar year) When enabled, tracks total staff training hours by the hire date of the staff (by default, staff training is totaled by calendar year).
Staff: Require file attachments for training records When enabled, all staff training records would require file attachments in order to be marked as complete.
Staff: Assign staff to a "Division" (advanced) When enabled, allows you to specify a list of divisions for Staff.
Staff: Allow staff to add their own training (but no edit or delete) When enabled, allows staff to add their own training to their profiles, but cannot edit or delete trainings.
Staff: Allow secondary worker for homes (custom label) When enabled, adds a secondary worker field to the general tab of a home file and a text box to the "Custom Labels" section to the organization settings > organization preferences > settings tab to customize the secondary worker field label. 
Staff: Allow secondary foster worker for cases (custom label) When enabled, adds a secondary foster worker field to the general tab of a case file and a text box to the "Custom Labels" section to the organization settings > organization preferences > settings tab to customize the secondary foster worker field label. 
Staff: Allow secondary adoption worker for cases (custom label) When enabled, adds a secondary adoption worker field to the general tab of a case file and a text box to the "Custom Labels" section to the organization settings > organization preferences > settings tab to customize the secondary adoption worker field label.
Staff: Total staff training hours by hire date (Advanced) When enabled, tracks total staff training hours by the hire date of the staff (by default, staff training is totaled by calendar year).
Staff: Total staff training hours by fiscal year (Advanced) When enabled, tracks total staff training hours by the agency’s fiscal year
Staff: Hide other staff's documents & training from non-administrators (full/staff) When enabled, the compliance, documents, and training tabs are only visible to  Full and Restricted Staff Administrators on the Staff Profile/Directory.
Staff: Do not collect personal information or emergency contact information on staff profiles (advanced) When enabled, removes the "Personal Information" and "Emergency Contact" sections of the Staff Profile.
Services: Use After Care Roster (advanced) When enabled, adds the After Care Roster which allows discharged clients to appear on a worker's workspace.
Services: This is a residential facility When enabled, all cases in the system will be residential cases.
Services: This is a refugee facility When enabled, all cases in the system will be refugee cases.
Services: Does not offer adoption-related services When enabled, removes options for adoption services.
Services: Default new cases to be adoption only (advanced) When enabled, all new cases entered into the system will be marked as adoption only.
Relationships: Hide expiration dates on relationship screens (use activities and reports instead) When enabled, removes expiration dates tracking for individuals on the People tab.
Referrals: Track pending and rejected referrals When enabled, tracks pending and rejected referrals entered into the system.
Referrals: Require Targeted Rate Level When enabled, if referral tracking is enabled, the targeted rate level field would be required.
Referrals: Require Reason for Referral When enabled, if referral tracking is enabled, the reason for the referral would be required.
Referrals: Require Prior Episode(s) When enabled, if referral tracking is enabled, indicating whether or not there were prior episodes would be required.
Referrals: Don't track Referring Worker When enabled, if referral tracking is enabled, the referring worker would be hidden from the referral view.
Referrals: Don't track Referral Source When enabled, if referral tracking is enabled, the referral source would be hidden from the referral view.
Referrals: Don't require Referring Worker When enabled, If referral tracking is enabled, the referring worker field would be not required.
Referrals: Don't require branch on referrals When enabled, if referral tracking is enabled, the agency branch would not be required.
Medical: Use Medication Label Printing (advanced) When enabled, prints off a sheet of medication labels.
Medical: Show prescribing Dr. and Reason on Med Log When enabled, displays who the medication was prescribed by and the medication reason on the online MAR.
Medical: Require Medication Prescribed Date (advanced) When enabled, the "Date Prescribed" field becomes a required field when adding or editing a medication for a case file. 
Medical: Require Medication Prescribed By (advanced) When enabled, the "Prescribed By" field becomes a required field when adding or editing a medication for a case file. 
Medical: Require Medication Reason When enabled, require the Medication Reason field when entering in medications for the case.
Medical: Print Standard Medication Log Landscape vs. Portrait When enabled, prints the medication log in landscape view rather than portrait.
Medical: Hide Standard Medication Log on Print Menu When enabled, hides the printable Medication Log from the print menu on the case file.
Medical: Hide Medical History/Behavioral Concerns/Development When enabled, hides individual medical history, family medical history, table of behavioral concerns, birth information, pregnancy information, and development milestones.
Medical: Hide Immunization Record tab When enabled, hides the immunization tab from the case Health tab.
Medical: Collect Medication Renewal Dates (advanced) When enabled adds the option to enter in the Renewal Date to the Medication tab.
Medical: Collect Drug Classification on Medications When enabled, adds drug classifications from the Medication screen.
Medical: Assign Case Medical Reports with Due Dates to Nursing Staff (specify below) (advanced) When enabled, automatically assigns all case medical reports that have due dates to a specific nursing staff member.
Medical: Assign Case Medical Activities with Due Dates to Nursing Staff (specify below) (advanced) When enabled, automatically assigns all case medical activities that have due dates to a specific nursing staff member.
Homes: Use dynamic compliance checklist When enabled, allows for the compliance tab to have customizable sections
Homes: Use a separate list of Discharge Reasons for Adoptive Homes (advanced) When enabled, allows for a customizable list of discharge reasons for adoptive homes.
Homes: Track Work Orders/Show in Side-Menu (advanced) When enabled, tracks Work Orders on Residential Facilities.
Homes: Track payment method (Check vs. Direct Deposit) (advanced) When enabled, adds a "Payment Method" field with dropdown choices of Check or Direct Deposit to the general tab of a home file.​
Homes: Track NPI # for homes (advanced) When enabled, allows for the tracking of the National Provider Identifier (NPI) for homes.
Homes: Track Disaster Planning - Emergency Location (advanced) When enabled, creates a section on the home file to track where the emergency location for the home is for disaster planning.
Homes: Track bed and bedroom assignments When enabled, tracks how many bedrooms there are in a household and the members who occupy those rooms.
Homes: Track annual income instead of monthly income When enabled, the annual income for a home would be tracked on the General tab rather than the monthly income.
Homes: Track additional homes identifier # (custom label) (advanced) When enabled, allows for additional tracking of home identifier numbers on the home Licensing tab.
Homes: Show people tab on other residences (advanced) When enabled, displays the people tab for other residence profiles.
Homes: Show home compliance on other residences (advanced) When enabled, displays the compliance tab for other residence profiles.
Homes: Show home compliance on inquiries (advanced) When enabled, displays the compliance tab for inquiries.
Homes: Customize license types and license services for this agency (advanced) When enabled, adds a textbox field to organization settings > organization preferences > keywords tab > foster home tab labeled License Service Types and Licensing Types to add customized options.
Homes: Show compliance tab on home screen When enabled, displays the compliance tab for home profiles.
Homes: Require church for homes and display in views When enabled, requires the church field to be filled out on the home General tab.
Homes: No expiration date on licenses When enabled, licenses added for homes will not track expiration dates.
Homes: Hide training expiration dates on home (use activities instead) When enabled, removes training expiration dates tracking for homes on the General tab.
Homes: Hide race preferences on home When enabled, hides the racial preferences on the home Licensing tab.
Homes: Hide questions on inquiry tab (advanced) When enabled, hides the inquiry questions answered by the home on the Inquiry tab.
Homes: Hide Employed Since date on home When enabled, removes the Employed Since field on the home General tab.
Homes: Hide all other (non-training) expiration dates on home (use reports instead) When enabled, removes all expiration dates tracking for homes on the General tab.
Homes: Hide religion and church fields When enabled, removes the Religion fields for both Parent A and Parent B and the Church field from the general tab of home files.
Homes: Don't count other residences as part of worker caseload (advanced) When enabled, other Residences will not count as "Homes" on a workers caseload.
Homes: Customize license types and license services for this agency (advanced) When enabled, add, edit, and remove home license types and license services. Once enabled, changes can be made under the Organization Preferences > Keywords tab.
Homes: Collect the file destroy date on discharge (advanced) When enabled, prompts for a date to destroy the physical home file.
Homes: Advanced pet management When enabled, a section to track pets is added to the general tab of home files.
Homes: Support additional genders on homes and relationships (advanced) When enabled, adds a textbox "Addl. Genders" to the organization settings > organization preferences > keyword tab > foster home tab to customize additional options for the Gender field for Parent A and B on the general tab and Gender field for people on the people tab of the home file. 
Homes: Assign each foster home to a region When enabled, displays a list of regions on the Organization Preference that the Agency can define. Then allows homes to be assigned to these regions.
HomeMatch: Run HomeMatch across Shared Access Organizations (advanced) When enabled, allows the HomeMatch tool to assess all homes available if the agency is set up as multiple shared organizations.
HomeMatch: Never center the map on funding organization (advanced) When enabled, always center the map on the agency vs. the county's /funding organization address.
Cases: Use home religion keywords (advanced) When enabled, uses the religion keywords for homes on the case General tab.
Cases: Use home race keywords (advanced) When enabled, will display options for race from Organization Settings > Organization Preferences > Keywords tab > Races list textbook for the Race field on the general tab of a case file.
Cases: Use home language keywords (advanced) When enabled, uses the primary language keywords for homes on the case General tab.
Cases: Use custom sidebar alert formula (advanced) When enabled, a formula can be added to have an alert display on the case sidebar to bring it to the viewers' attention.
Cases: Treatment Goals - Use custom goal types (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, create custom goal types (enter in new goal types under by going to Organization Preferences > Keywords > Other tab).
Cases: Treatment Goals - Use custom goal statuses (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, create custom goal statuses.
Cases: Treatment Goals - Use custom goal field labels (advanced) ​When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, a Custom Labels - Treatment Goal Fields section will display for you to customize the goal field labels. 
Cases: Treatment Goals - Use custom goal categories (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, create custom goal categories (enter in new goal categories by going to Program Settings > Programs > Setup).
Cases: Treatment Goals - Track treatment goal criteria (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, it will enable the tracking of treatment goal criteria.
Cases: Treatment Goals - Track person responsible (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, it will enable the tracking of who is responsible for the goal completion (staff).
Cases: Treatment Goals - Hide goal type (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, it will hide the goal types.
Cases: Treatment Goals - Hide actions/interventions and progress fields (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, it will hide the actions, interventions, and progress fields.
Cases: Treatment Goals - Enable subgoals (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, it will enable the tracking of sub-goals.
Cases: Treatment Goals - Enable problem field (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, it will display the problem field.
Cases: Treatment Goals - Enable long-term goals (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is enabled, it will enable the tracking of long-term goals.
Cases: Track Location Types for Adoption Cases (advanced) When enabled, creates a location section for adoption cases on the General tab to track the location of their current placement.
Cases: Track BMI Trends (advanced) When enabled, tracks the body mass index of cases; BMI Trends can be found under the Case Roster view.
Cases: Show Private Insurance Tab (advanced) When enabled, displays the insurance tab for cases and allows for tracking of primary, secondary, and tertiary insurances.
Cases: Require Religion (for cases) When enabled, makes the religion field required on the General tab of the case.
Cases: Require Permanency Goal (for referrals and cases) When enabled, makes the permanency goal required on the General tab for cases and referrals.
Cases: Require Client Demographics (dob/gender/race) When enabled, makes the Date of Birth, Gender, and Race field required on the General tab of the case.
Cases: Remove 'Foster Care' from case rosters and workspace (advanced) When enabled, hides the words "Foster Care" from the workspace view.
Cases: Relationships - Require approved visitor and approved phone (advanced) When enabled, relationships added to the People tab would require that "Approved Visitor" and "Approved Phone" fields be filled out.
Cases: Refer to "sibling group" as "family group" instead (advanced) When enabled, sibling groups in the system would be referred to as "Family Group".
Cases: Override Program Activity Shortcuts (advanced) When enabled, useful only for shared programs where agencies have their own activity types - changes the shortcut icons to be agency-specific.
Cases: Hide treatment tab on case screen (when activated on program) (advanced) When enabled, if the treatment tab is activated under Program Settings (for shared programs), this setting will disable it for the specific agency.
Cases: Hide Removal Date (make it same as intake) When enabled, hides the Removal date found on the General tab of the case.
Cases: Hide Medicaid # for cases When enabled, hides the Medicaid number on the General tab of the case.
Cases: Hide compliance tab on case screen (advanced) When enabled, hides the entire Compliance tab from the case profile.
Cases: Don't track last visited date (hide on worker home page and status report) (advanced) When enabled, does not track the last visited date from case activities on the workspace or weekly status report.
Cases: Do not track TPR Information (when activated on program) (advanced) When enabled, does not track the TPR (Termination of Parental Rights) on the General tab of the case.
Cases: Do Not Track Funding Workers on Case General Tab (advanced) When enabled, hides the field that tracks funding workers on the General tab of the case.
Cases: Collect the file destroy date on discharge (advanced) When enabled, prompts for a date to destroy the physical case file.
Cases: Group open cases alphabetically (advanced) When enabled, will display case roster open cases in alphabetical groupings by last name.
Cases + Homes: Hide SSN # for both cases and homes When enabled, hides the social security number field for all homes and cases.
Cases + Homes: Hide customer and vendor numbers When enabled, removes the "Customer #" field on the general tab of a case file and the "Vendor #" field on the general tab of a home file. 
Billing: Track authorizations on financial tab (for programs that require authorizations) (advanced) When enabled, allows Authorizations to be added and tracked on the case Financial tab, if also enabled for that Program (instead of on the case General tab). 
Billing: Payables - Monthly Rates - Always Pro-Rate Based on a 31-day Month (advanced) When enabled, monthly rate is pro-rated based on a 31-day month instead of the typical proration by # of days in month.
Billing: Payables - Generate Payables for $0 Rates (advanced) ​When enabled, AP records for $0 will still generate and display on Foster Home statement.
Billing: Invoices - Use landscape page orientation ​When enabled, displays the Accounts Receivables invoices in landscape page orientation.
Billing: Invoices - Use custom columns on days care invoices (advanced) When enabled, this allows override of default columns on invoice (Foster Child Name, DOB, Start Date, End Date, Days, Rate Level, Daily Rate, Amount). When checked, FC Adjustments won't show on invoice. Please contact extendedReach staff for assistance with this setting.
Billing: Invoices - Split invoices per child vs. per funding organization (advanced) When enabled, Days Care Invoices are separated by case instead of by Funding Organization
Billing: Invoices - Include Social Security Number (advanced) When enabled, displays the case Social Security Number on Days Care invoices.
Billing: Invoices - Include Secondary Funding Case Number (advanced) When enabled, includes the Secondary Funding Case Number on invoices.
Billing: Invoices - Include return mailing address When enabled, agency's return mailing address displays at top of the Days Care invoice.
Billing: Invoices - Include Medicaid Number (advanced) When enabled, the Case Medicaid number is included on Days Care invoices.
Billing: Invoices - Include invoice #'s on individual invoices (advanced) When enabled, includes the invoice number on individual invoices that are generated/printed.
Billing: Invoices - Include funding organization phone number (advanced) When enabled, the Case Medicaid number is included on Days Care invoices.
Billing: Invoices - Include Funding Case Number (advanced) ​When enabled, the Funding Case Number is included on invoices.
Billing: Invoices - Include custom text section(s) on invoices (advanced) When enabled, allows custom header or footer (above the line items) - please contact extendedReach staff to have this set up.
Billing: Invoices - Include agency logo on invoice header (either attached to Organization or titled "Invoice Header" in Shared Forms + Files) (advanced) When enabled, the agency's logo is included on the header of all invoices.
Billing: Invoices - Do not split invoices per funding organization (advanced) When enabled, ​​invoices are not grouped together by funding organization.
Billing: Invoices - Do not split invoices or statements by branch (advanced) When enabled, invoices and home statements are not grouped together by Branch.
Billing: Invoices - Do not display parenthesized text on rates (advanced) When enabled, ​text in parentheses of a Program Rate Sheet name will not appear on invoices. For example, "Basic Level (Green County only)" will display as "Basic Level." 
Billing: Home Statement - Use landscape page orientation ​​When enabled, the Accounts Payable Home Statements are displayed in landscape page orientation.
Billing: Home Statement - Show rate breakdown detail (advanced) When enabled, each Days Care Board Rate Component (for ex. Board vs. DOC) is displayed separately on the Home Statement, instead of the combined Days Care Board rate. 
Billing: Home Statement - Include home address When enabled, the provider's home address is included on Home Statements.
Billing: Discharge date is counted as a day in care (advanced) When enabled, the date of discharge for a case is counted as a day in care for the case and the home
Billing: Days Care - Do Not Split Day Care Entries when Agency Worker Changes (advanced) When enabled, separate Accounts Receivable records aren't created if the assigned agency caseworker changes mid-month. For agencies with flat monthly rates, this is important to prevent these from pro-rating. 
Billing: Count placement change date as day in care at previous home (vs. new home) (advanced) When enabled, if a child changes placement, pay the previous home on the change date (e.g. If a child goes from Home A to Home B on Tuesday, normally Home B gets paid for Tuesday night. With this setting enabled, Home A gets paid for Tuesday night)


Legacy Settings


The following settings have been marked as "Legacy" and should not be used by agencies. If you have any questions about these settings or need an alternative set-up, please contact 


Legacy Settings Description
System: Only allow agency administrators to edit activities marked as exported (advanced) Export profiles have the ability to stamp records as being exported. extendedReach can lock these down
System: Use DYMO LabelWriter for Home Addresses (requires Internet Explorer) (advanced) Puts a "Print Label" link on the Foster Home screen
Referrals: Send/receive on-line referrals for transferred cases (LEGACY - DO NOT USE) (advanced) No longer supported - do not use
Homes: Show unlicensed home status column (LEGACY - DO NOT USE) (advanced) No longer supported - do not use


Advance Password Options


When the setting "System: Use advanced password options" is enabled the section Advance Password Options will displayed and can be configured. 


Image: Organizational Preferences - Advance Password Options

Advance Password Options Description
At least one lowercase and one uppercase letter When enabled, users will be required to use at least one uppercase and lowercase letter when creating their password.
At least one number When enabled, users will be required to include at least one number when creating their password.
At least one special character !@#$%^&*()_+~=\`{}[]:";'<>?,./; When enabled, users will be required to include a special character when creating their password. these special characters are identified on the password screen.
Can't contain first name or last name
​When enabled, users will be prevented from using their first or last name when creating their password.
Minimum password length When enabled, users can select a number between 8 and 12 to determine the character length of the password.
No three consecutive numbers or letters in a row (e.g. '123') ​When enabled, users will be prevented from using three consecutive numbers or letters in a row when creating their password.
No three duplicate characters in a row (e.g. 'AAA') When enabled, users are prevented from repeating three of same characters in a row when setting their password.
Require a password change every "x" months
​When enabled, users will be required to change their passwords according to the schedule selected by the agency (1-12 months).


Foster Parent Training Hours


Allow for the way foster parent training hours are tracked to be customized to match the agency/organization requirements.


Image: Organizational Preferences - Foster Parent Training Hours

Parameters Description
If first year licensed, pro-rate hours based on month licensed (rounded-down) If "Calendar Year" is selected under Training Period, this option displays so agency can pro-rate hours based on the month licensed (rounded-down).
Include training prior to original license date ​​​If "Calendar Year" is selected under Training Period, this option displays so agency can include training that occurred prior to the original license date (i.e., pre-licensure training).
Required Hours (Use formula) The number of hours for the training period can be determined, or enable "Use Formula" when a customized formula is needed to calculate hours based on other parameters.
Starting Month When "Fiscal Year" is selected for the Training Period, the Starting Month field displays so agency can select the Starting Month of their fiscal year.
Total hours by This will select the method of how training hours will be calculated per parent, couple, formula.
Training Period ​Training period to calculate training hours can be selected. Options include:  Calendar Year, License Period, Fiscal Year.


Custom Labels


Allow for labels to be customized to match titles/labels used by the agency/organization.


Image: Organizational Preferences - Custom Labels

Labels Description
Agency Case # Allows the Agency Case # field label on the case General Tab to be customized.
Agency Home # Allows the Agency Home # field label on the home General Tab to be customized.
Caseworker Allows the Caseworker field label on the case General Tab to be customized.
Header Text ​Allows the Agency Name that will display to the right of the Big Blue Folder on the workspace to be customized. Frequently used to designate different organizations (e.g. RES, FC, IL) when an agency has multiple organizations.
Home Worker ​Allows the Home Worker field label on the home General Tab to be customized.
Sec Home Wkr Allows the Secondary Home Worker field label on the home General Tab to be customized.
Secondary Adoption Worker ​Allows the Secondary Adoption Worker field label on the case General Tab to be customized.
Secondary Foster Worker ​Allows the Secondary Case Worker field label on the case General Tab to be customized.
Special Ed ​Allows the Special Education field label on the case General Tab to be customized.
Teacher/Contact Allows the Teacher/Contact field label on the case General Tab to be customized.


Home Activity Shortcuts


Allow for activity shortcuts to be customized.


Image: Organizational Preferences - Home Activity Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Icons #1 and # 2 Icons can be selected to designate the specific home activities for quick access on the User's workspace.
Shortcuts #1 and # 2 Select two home activities to create quick access to add from the User's workspace screen.
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