Organization Preferences - Keywords



This article is meant to provide you with details on the Keywords Tab in Organizational Preferences. Organizational Preferences is the configuration control center for your agency’s extendedReach system. The Keywords Tab is where you will various aspects what and how your agency will work with eR.




You must be an Agency Administrator to access the “Administration” menu on the left side of your Workspace. Hover over Organization Settings and click on “Organizational Preferences”.




Image: Organizational Preferences Access Screen




The Keywords tab is where many options for the drop-down fields appear in extendedReach. Be sure to begin in “Edit Mode”, by clicking on the “Edit” button at the top of the screen.


Image: Organizational Preferences: Keywords Tab Access Screen


Foster Home Tab


Items in the Foster Home tab are available for Foster Homes. Add new keywords or remove keywords in the boxes. 


Image: Keywords: Foster Home

Field Name Description
Provider Types (Household) List the household provider types (foster home, applicant, respite home, etc.)
Default type(s) for HomeMatch (must be licensed) Indicate the homes that can be used for the HomeMatch
Provider Types (Other Residence) List all other residence provider types the agency uses (detention facility, hospital, etc.)
Home Referral Sources List all possible referral sources
Relationships (Household) Include any household relationship types to be used on the People tab (stepson, daughter, boyfriend, etc.)
Relationships (Non-Household) Include any non-household relationship types to be used on the People tab (babysitter, cousin, aunt, etc.)
Relationships (Other Homes) Include any relationship types for other homes to be used on the People tab (e.g. respite home)
Misc. Home Trainings Include any miscellaneous home trainings (orientation, first aid, etc.)
Races List all races here that can be chosen from using the drop-down menu on the home profile
Religions List all religions here that can be chosen from using the drop-down menu on the home profile
Primary Languages List popular primary languages here that can be chosen from using the drop-down menu on the home profile
Marital Statuses Include marital statuses here (single, married, divorced, living with significant other, etc.)
Inquiry Discharge Reasons List all reasons for an inquiry discharge
Home Discharge Reasons List all reasons for a home discharge
Inquiry Interests Include what an inquiry could be interested in
Inquiry Actions List all inquiry actions that can be taken (10 max)
Training Regions Leave blank to hide training regions.
Checklist Categories (Column 1) Names of the checklist category sections on the compliance tab in the first left-hand column
Checklist Categories (Column 2) Names of the checklist category sections on the compliance tab in the second right-hand column


Staff Tab


The keywords in the Staff tab are used for Compliance tracking on the Staff Profiles. Enter in mandatory trainings and documents as well as optional trainings and documents. 


Image: Keywords: Staff

Field Name Description
Staff Documents (Mandated) List all staff documents that are mandated
Staff Documents (Other) List any miscellaneous staff documents to be acquired
Staff Trainings (Mandated) List all staff trainings that are mandated
Staff Trainings (Other) List any miscellaneous staff training that can be completed


Other Tab


The Other tab is meant for miscellaneous keywords or those enabled through Organization Settings.


Image: Tab: Other

Field Name Description
Deny Referral Reasons List all reasons that a referral can be denied for
Incident Categories List all incident categories that can be used when creating an incident report
Additional Medication Names List any additional medication names that do not appear on the medication drop-down
Addl. Case Genders List all genders to be available for the case general tab
Shared File Categories Creates categories for the shared forms and files view (found on the Side Menu under Resources > Shared forms + Files)
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