After Care


  • Introduction
  • Explanation and Purpose of After Care
  • Security Level Requirements and Access
  • Enabling After Care
  • Adding a Case to After Care 
  • Access/Displaying After Care 
  • Removing Cases from After Care


This article is meant to provide you with details about the extendedReach After Care feature. If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at

Explanation and Purpose of After Care

To allow for review and finalization of a closed case. The After Care Roster is a great way to close out any last-minute or pending reports due for the closed cases. When enabled, the After Care Roster is a portlet that will show on your workspace to allow quick access to discharged cases.

Security Level Requirements and Access

You must be an Agency Administrator to access the “Administration” menu on the left side of your Workspace to enable this feature.

Enabling After Care

This functionality can be enabled on the Organization Settings. To navigate to organization settings from the workspace go to Administration on the side menu > Organization Settings > Organization Preferences.
Image: “Organization Settings Staff Access Screen”

Select the Settings tab and click Edit. Scroll to the Additional Settings section and search for "Services: Use After Care Roster (advanced)”.
Check the box and click Save.

Image: “Organization Settings Screen”

Adding a Case to After Care 

Once enabled, you can add cases to the After Care two different ways. 

1. When discharging a case, you can automatically place them on the After Care Roster. To do so, click on Discharge > Case > Keep on After Care Roster. Be sure to fill out the highlighted fields before clicking on OK. 

2. If the case has already been discharged, go to the discharged case and put it in Edit mode. On the General tab, in the "Foster Care Case Information" section, check the box next to Keep on After Care Roster.

Access/Displaying After Care 

The After Care Roster can be viewed by the side menu in Case Rosters > After Care Cases.

Removing Cases from the After Care Roster

Once the case has been finalized, remove the case from the “My After Care Cases” Roster by going back to the case and unchecking the “Keep on After Care Roster” setting from the General tab. 

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