Using the Scanner Inbox



  • Introduction
  • Purpose of the Scanner Inbox
  • Accessing the Scanner Inbox
  • Using Your Scanner Inbox



This article is meant to assist you with using your scanner inbox. 

If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at




Purpose of the Scanner Inbox


Quick and easy way to get hard-copy or attachment documents into the extendedReach system.


Accessing the Scanner Inbox


There will be a portlet on your Workspace, called “Inbox”. If you do not see an inbox on your workspace, please contact your agency administrator to create an inbox for you.

Image: “Workspace Scanner Inbox on Screen”



Using your Scanner Inbox


Scan and email documents with an email-capable scanner directly to your Scanner Inbox (do not BCC) using the email address associated with your Scanner Inbox. Easily find the email address by clicking “How does this work”.

Image: “Scanner Inbox “How does this work” Screen”



Image: “Scanner Inbox “How does this work” Screen”



To file the attachment, click on “File This”.


Image: “File This Screen”



Select Case, Referral, Home, Inquiry, or Staff (Staff option available to Staff Administrators and Full Administrators only).


Answer the question: What active case/referral/home/inquiry is this related to? Select what type of activity or report the scanned document relates to and select your name (or a co-workers name) in the Who Performed This? section. 

Press “Save & go to” to go directly to the activity/report to add more information or complete it. Press "save As Draft" to save the item as a draft and continue filing items from your inbox. 


Image: “Where Should this be Stored” Screen”


When viewing the related activity / report, the email body will show in the "Related Narrative" section.  Press “Complete” to finish storing the document. 


Image: “Complete” Screen”

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