Texas Provider Gateway


  • Introduction and Initial Setup
  • Testing the Connection
  • TPG Home Report
  • Additional TPG Settings

Introduction and Initial Setup

extendedReach can automatically update Foster Home information on the Texas Provider Gateway (TPG)! This is done by matching Foster Homes in extendedReach to homes on the TPG site using the homes "Resource ID" or "RID".

The interface will only transmit updated information for existing homes already on the listed on the TPG. The TPG requires that new homes be created manually by a TPG user id first (vs. updated by extendedReach).

The "RID" is an identifying number assigned by State of Texas's IMPACT computer system. When a new home is added to the TPG, a temporary RID is assigned by the TPG system until the official RID is assigned by the IMPACT computer system. The interface between extendedReach and TPG works with both temporary RIDs and official (IMPACT) RIDs.

"SSCC" refers to the "Single Source Continuum Contractor" which is the lead contractor for a particular region in Texas. The TPG acts as a data exchange between foster care agencies and the SSCC's.

Here is the process to how to start the TPG interface configuration:

  1. Contact your SSCC's system administrator for the Texas Provider Gateway and ask that an "API User ID" be created and added to your TPG account.
  2. One the "API User ID" has been created, submit a support ticket to extendedReach asking that the TPG be enabled. Please include the "API User ID" name and password in the support ticket.
  3. extendedReach support will enable the TPG interface and RID tracking.
  4. Your agency will then manually input the RID number on each home file (see image below).

The RID number will be viewable for all homes under the Home Roster > Licensed Homes view.


Testing the Connection

To test the connection between extendedReach and TPG and confirm the information sends correctly, enter in the RID number for a few homes (not all). Then go to Organization Settings > Organization Preferences > General Tab. Scroll down to the Texas Provider Gateway section and click on "Send Data to TPG Now" (must not be in Edit mode).

If the information transfers properly, you can go back and enter in the RID for the remaining homes. You can also set up a scheduled sync to TPG to send data once a day at 6 PM CST.

To set up the scheduled sync, click on Edit under Organization Settings > Organization Preferences; go to the General tab and the Texas Provider Gateway section. Click on "Schedule at approx 6 PM CST daily" then save.


TPG Home Report

Once you have the TPG / extendedReach link working successfully, you can add/configure a new Home Report Type to use the "TPG Resource Preferences"; these preferences will automatically transfer to the TPG.

When configuring the report, click on the Custom tab under the report settings and add "S_HOME_TPG_PREFS" (remove quotations) as the Custom Subform name as shown in the screenshot below. You should only use this subform in a single Home Report Type for the entire agency. (Don't create different ones for different Provider Types).

The report will look like this when properly configured:

Homes can fill out the TPG Resource Preferences form directly from the Family Website as well.

To set up this configuration, go to the settings of the TPG Resource Preferences Home Report Type and click on Show Advanced Options in the configuration area. Enable the setting "Foster Home initiated report using custom form (advanced)" then add "F_FRM_TPG_PREFS" (no quotations) as the Family Form name.

To verify that the report is set up properly, go to Organization Settings > Organization Preferences > General Tab. Scroll down to the Texas Provider Gateway section and check to see if it says "Configured" under the Resources Pref field. Clicking on the hyperlinked "Configured" word will re-direct you to the report.

Once configured, it will send the TPG Preferences for each home that has it filled out to TPG.


Congrats! You are all set up and ready to go with the TPG / extendedReach interface. Below are various TPG settings that can be used under Organization Settings > Organization Preferences > General Tab > Texas Provider Gateway section.

  • "Email copies of XML files" Sends copies of the transmitted and received files to the "Email Errors To" email address. (Only meant for Troubleshooting)
  • "Transmit only for specific branches" Allows you to transmit TPG only for specific branches/locations
  • "Transmit first x homes" Transmit only the first 1, 5, 25, 50, or 100 homes to TPG (Only meant for Troubleshooting) (homes are transmitted in alphabetical order by home last name)
  • "Transmit one home using RID" Transmit only a single home identified by Resource ID (Only meant for Troubleshooting)

If you have any questions or need troubleshooting assistance with the TPG integration, please email support@extendedreach.com. 

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