Processing Payments


  • Introduction
  • Explanation of Processing Payments
  • Steps to Processing Payments
  • View Deposited Payments
  • Unapplying a Payment
  • Overpayments


Processing Payments is part of the optional add-on, Enterprise Financials. If you are interested in the extendedReach Enterprise Financials, please contact your Agency Administrator, or

If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at

Explanation of Processing Payments

Payments are created from the case screen and applied to one or more charges, reducing the amount due. extendedReach will track the date the payment was deposited and create a deposit slip. NOTE: You must make sure charges have been posted before apply payments.

Steps for Processing Payments

1.  From the Financial tab in a case, click on “Payment”.

Image: “Create Payment”

2.  Complete the fields in the Payment Information section.

Image: “Payment Information”

Field Name Description
Payment Date Click on the calendar icon to select the date of the payment.
Status Since this is a new charge, the system will auto-fill “New”.
Type Select the payment type, such as check or EFT, from the drop-down menu.
Payment From Select who made the payment, from the drop-down menu.
Check Number Type the number from the upper right-hand corner of the check, if payment was made with a check.
Amount Type in the dollar amount of the payment.
Memo If there are any additional notes, they can be recorded here.
Deposit Date Click on the calendar icon to select the date of the deposit.

3.  Complete the fields in the Apply To These Charge(s) section.

Select the item or items you want to apply the payment to, by checking the box next to the charge.

*Days Care charges that were “Generated” by extendedReach will only appear in the Charges list AFTER they have been posted to your accounting system. This prevents a “re-generation” of the charge from deleting/replacing the Days Charge after a payment has been applied.

Image: “Apply To These Charge(s) Section”

*If you have an unapplied amount (left over for the payment) – leave it as unapplied – you will receive an information message – but you can then apply this payment to the future charges. A list of payments with Unapplied balances shows up in Branch Billing->Unapplied Payments

4.  If you want to enter a payment for another child click “Add Another” instead of “Save”.  This is useful when applying a large check across children. This will save the Payment From / Check Number from the previous child and allow you to jump directly to the new child screen.

Image: “Save or (Save and) Add Another”

5.  To deposit payments, go to “Organization Billing” and click on “Payments: Undeposited”.

Image: “Payments: Undeposited”

6.  Check the box next to the payments you want to deposit.

Image: “Select and Print Deposit Slip”

7.  Click “Print Deposit Slip” (if you want to print a deposit slip).

Image: “Deposit Slip”

8.  Click “Mark as Deposited”.

Image: “Mark Deposited”

9.  Enter the Deposit Date.

Image: “Mark Deposited Date”

View Deposited Payments

To view all deposited payments, go to Organization Billing, then “Payments: Deposited”.

Image: “View Deposited Payments”

Unapplying a Payment

If you make mistake when applying a payment to a charge and save the payment, you can unapply the payment and re-allocate it to other charges.

1.  Click Edit.

Image: “Deposited Payments Edit”

2.  Click the “Unapply” payment link.

Image: “Unapply All Payments”

3.  Re-apply payment and Save.

Image: “Re-Apply Payment to These Charges”


If an overpayment is received, a portion or the entire amount of the payment can be left unapplied and then associated with future charges.

If the overpayment is to be refunded, it must be applied to any existing charge (even if it creates a negative balance). Then a refund adjustment can be made. If no existing charge is available to apply the overpayment to, a $0 Misc Charge should be created, where the refund adjustment can be applied to. The payment and refund adjustment should both be applied to this charge.

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