

  • Introduction
  • Explanation of Adjustments
  • Creating an Adjustment
  • View Adjustments
  • Examples of an Adjustment


This article is meant to assist you with creating financial Adjustments to Charges and Reimbursements. This is part of the optional add-on, Enterprise Financials. If you are interested in the extendedReach Enterprise Financials tool, please contact your Agency Administrator, or 

If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at

Explanation of Adjustments

Once the Enterprise Financials functionality is enabled, Case “Charges” (receivables) and Home “Reimbursements” (payables) are created and posted to your accounting system.

Once Posted to your accounting system, these Case Charges and Home Reimbursements can no longer be modified. If there is a correction that needs to be made, an Adjustment must be created.

*You cannot adjust a Generated Days Care entry until it is posted.

Creating an Adjustment

1.  From the Financial tab within a case or home, click on the “Adjustment” button.

Image: “Create a Case Adjustment”

Image: “Create a Home Adjustment”

2.  Complete the Adjustment Information fields.

Image: “Adjustments”

Field Name Description
Adjustment Date Click on the calendar icon to select the date of the adjustment.
Status Since this is a new adjustment, the system will auto-fill “New”.
Adjust Select what you are adjusting from the drop-down menu. “Charge” or “Days Care” is for a Case Adjustment; “Reimbursement” or “Days Care” is for a Home Adjustment.*
Type Select the adjustment type, such as Fee Reduction, Refund or Writeoff, from the drop-down menu.
Apply To Click on the blue hyper-link to access options to which this adjustment should be applied. See image below. For a Case Adjustment, select a “Charge”; for a Home Adjustment, select a “Reimbursement”.
Amount Amount will appear for a “Charge” adjustment. Type in the dollar amount of the adjustment to the charge.
Admin Admin will appear for a “Days Care” adjustment. Type in the dollar amount of the adjustment to the Admin fee.
Board Board will appear for a “Days Care” adjustment. Type in the dollar amount of the adjustment to the Board fee.
Days Care Days Care will appear for a “Days Care” adjustment. Type in the number of Days in Care that is being adjusted.
Memo If there are any additional notes, they can be recorded here.
  • “Apply To” Link:

Image: “Apply (Adjustment) To”

  • “Apply To” Options:

For a Case Adjustment, you will select a Charge.

Image: “Apply (Case Adjustment) To”

For a Home Adjustment, you will select a Reimbursement.

Image: “Apply (Home Adjustment) To”

3.  Once you’ve completed all fields, save your work.

Image: “Adjustment Complete”

View Adjustments

This is what you will see on the Financial tab. This example is the Financial Tab in a home.

From the “Show” drop-down menu, be sure to select “All Items“ or “Adjustments” (Not “Open Items”), to view completed adjustments.

Image: “Adjustment Complete”

To view all adjustments for your agency, go to Organization Billing and click on “Misc: Adjustments”.

Image: “View Adjustments”

View by category column, or click on the blue hyper-link to see Type details.

Image: “View Adjustments”

Examples of an Adjustment

Let's walk through two examples of when you would create an adjustment. 

Adjustment scenarios:

1. The rate for a child was changed a month late, the home has been underpaid.

To adjust for this, go to the Home's file, click on Adjustment then add a Days Care Increase adjustment. Click on the reimbursement it applies to, then enter in the total amount that needs to be reimbursed to the home. Don't forget to add a memo and then click on save. 

2. The wrong rate was selected, the home and the county were overpaid. 

This calls for two separate adjustments  - one for the case and one for the home. For the case, add a Days Care Decrease adjustment, enter in the total amount to be taken back, apply it to the appropriate charge, and save. For the home, add a Days Care Decrease adjustment, enter in the total amount to be taken back, apply it to the appropriate reimbursement, add a memo, and save.

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