Foster Care - Side Menu – Accessing Views


  • Introduction
  • Explanation and Purpose of the Side Menu
  • Side Menu Overview
  • My Stuff Section Overview
  • Cases Section Overview
  • Homes Section Overview
  • Summaries Section Overview



This article is meant to assist you with the extendedReach Side Menu.

If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or contact support at 


Explanation and Purpose of the Side Menu

extendedReach is organized in a manner that allows you to easily access information. Your workspace is customized to meet your specific needs based on your role within your agency. The Side Menu, however, provides comprehensive agency-wide data, accessed through what extendedReach refers to as “Views”.

Depending on your User ID permissions, some of these views may not be viewable for you. Please contact your agency administrators for permission to access those views.  


Side Menu Overview

Image: “Side Menu Overview”

The following are Side Menu Views along with descriptions of each item.

*The following codes may appear next to the View Names below in the documentation. This key is for your reference. 

V = Varies. This view name varies by state, program, or agency. 

N = May Not Apply. This view may not apply to your agency and therefore not appear on your screen.


“My Stuff” Section

Image: “Side Menu: My Stuff Views”

View Name Description
My Workspace Access your customized information on the middle/right portion of the screen.
My Tasks Access your customized task list.


“Cases” Section Overview

Cases Rosters Views

Image: “Cases Section: Case Rosters Views”

View Name Description
Foster Care Cases V Open Foster Care Cases (may also appear as “Residential Cases”)
Adoption Cases N Open Adoption Cases
Referrals Opens view of all pending and accepted referrals
All Cases (Open + Closed) All Foster Care and Adoption Cases
Anticipated Discharge Foster Care Cases that have an anticipated discharge date
BMI Trends N If your agency records changes in a child’s height and weight (BMI) over time the last two measures will appear here along with a comparative calculation and any active medications.
Medications Medications recorded for Open Foster Care Cases
Need Immunization Record Open Foster Care cases marked as missing Immunization Record on Health Tab
Next Court Date Open Foster Care cases that have Next Court Date on General Tab
Next Medical Exam Open Foster Care cases that have upcoming medical appointments (can Group by Medical/Dental/Psychological/etc.)
Rates by Expiration Open Foster Care cases that have a Rate Expires Date on General Tab
Scheduled Placements Open Foster Care cases that have one or more placements scheduled at a future date
Monthly Census by Worker Number of Open Foster Cases an Agency Case Worker has assigned to them in a particular month or in total over a year
Monthly Census by Program Number of Open Foster Cases in a Program in a particular month or in total over a year
Daily Census by Program Number of Open Foster Cases in a Program on a particular day or in total over a year


Cases Tasks Views

Image: “Cases Section: Case Tasks Views”

View Name Description
Due Soon/Past Due Lists all activities/reports within a case that are due soon or past due
Compliance Tracking Lists all cases along with the items on the compliance tab that are either completed, overdue, or due soon
Daily Activity Summary N Lists the completion status of select daily program activities
In Process Lists items that are in the process of being completed
Awaiting Approval Lists items that are awaiting approval from a supervisor in order to be marked as complete


“Homes” Section Overview

Homes Rosters Views

Image: “Homes Section: Home Rosters Views”

View Name Description
Open Beds (Licensed Homes List of licensed Homes that have beds available for cases
Licensed Homes Complete list of all licensed Homes
Applicants/Unlicensed Homes Homes that are not licensed and/or in the application stage
Adoptive Homes N Lists all adoptive homes
Inquiries Homes inquiring about becoming licensed
Other Residences Residences including Residential, Detention Facilities, Hospitals, Independent Living, etc.
All Homes (Open + Closed) List of all open and closed Homes
Anticipated Approval Applicant homes that are anticipating their approval to become licensed Homes
Family Website Status Homes that have either been invited or not invited to access their Family Website
Households List of all Households (1-2 parents homes) which can be applicants, approved homes, etc.
Last Placement Date Chronological order of recent placements (in or out)
License Variances Includes any license variances and their expiration date
Licensed Homes on Hold List of all licensed homes that have been put on hold
Training Registrations List of homes that have registered for training
Training YTD (Open Homes) Year to Date training that has been attended and completed by all homes
Monthly Census by Worker Lists the caseworkers homes by year and month


Home Tasks Views

Image: “Homes Section: Home Tasks Views”

View Name Description
Due Soon/Past Due Lists all activities/reports for a Home that is due soon or past due
Compliance Tracking Lists all Homes along with the items on the compliance tab that are either completed, overdue, or due soon
Daily Activity Summary N Lists the completion status of select daily program activities
In Process Lists items that are in the process of being completed
Awaiting Approval Lists items that are awaiting approval from a supervisor in order to be marked as complete


HomeMatch View

Image: “Homes Section: HomeMatch”

View Name Description
HomeMatch Tool that displays homes available for cases dependent on specific search criteria


“Summaries” Section Overview

Dashboard Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Dashboard Views”

View Name Description
Dashboard Create a visual dashboard based off cases, programs, shows, or funding organizations


Casework Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Casework Views”

View Name Description
Activities Completed List of all activities that have been completed for a case or home – segmented by year and month
Days Care Indicates how many days in care a case has been in
Incidents Lists all incidents that have occurred in a given year
Non-Compliant Lists all non-compliances that have occurred in a given year
% On Time Indicates what percent of the time reports are completed on time
Placements List of the number of placements in a given year
Reports Completed Lists all completed reports in a given year
Respite Lists all placements into respite
Revisions List of the number of revisions in a given year
Training Lists all trainings that have been registered for and attended in a given year
Treatment Goals Provides the percentage of treatment goals completed in a given year


Financial Views N 

The Financial view is only available with the Advanced Financial Management module. Please contact if you are interested.

Image: “Summaries Section: Demographics Views”

View Name Description
Aging Report Report of all outstanding balances. Shows total balance, aging as of 30+ days, 60+ days, and 90+ days
Authorizations Lists all active authorizations by date
Payments: Unapplied List of all payments that have been entered into extendedReach but have not been applied to a charge
Posted: Adjustments All case and home adjustments that have posted to the agency's financial system
Posted: Payments All payments that have applied to a charge and posted to the agency's financial system
Posted: Receivables All receivables that have posted to the agency's financial system
Posted: Reimbursements All case and home reimbursements that have posted to the agency's financial system
Posted: Revenue All revenue that has been posted to the agency's financial system


Demographics Views
Image: “Summaries Section: Demographics Views”

View Name Description
Cases: Age Segments and groups cases by age
Cases: Gender Segments and groups cases by gender
Cases: Language Segments and groups cases by language spoken
Cases: Race Segments and groups cases by race
Cases: Religion Segments and groups cases by religion
Homes: Age Segments and groups Homes by age
Homes: Gender Segments and groups Homes by gender
Homes: Language Segments and groups Homes by language spoken
Homes: Race Segments and groups Homes by race
Homes: Religion Segments and groups Homes by religion


Intake Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Intake Views”

View Name Description
Foster Care Referrals Indicates the amount of foster care referrals received
Foster Care Cases Indicates the amount of foster care cases received
Foster Care Cases by Reason Indicates the amount of foster care cases received and includes the reasoning for the referral
Prior Episodes Lists the amount of prior admissions and discharges for a case in a given year
Adoption Cases N Lists the amount of adoption cases received 
Homes Inquiried Number of Homes that have submitted inquiries in a given year
Homes Licensed Number of Homes that have been licensed in a given year
Home Adoption Applications Number of Homes that have applied to become Adoption homes


Discharge Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Discharge Views”

View Name Description
Denied Referrals Amount of rejected referrals sorted by reason
Foster Care Cases Amount of foster case cases that have been discharged in a specific year
Foster Care Outcomes Amount of foster case cases that have been discharged for specific reason in a given year
Avg # of Caseworkers Displays the average number of caseworkers for a case
Avg # of Days in Care Displays the average number of days spent in care
Avg # of Placements Displays the average number of case placements
Adoption Cases N Amount of adoption cases that have been closed in a specific year
Adoption Outcomes N Amount of adoption cases that have been closed for specific reason in a given year
Homes Amount of closed Homes in a given year
Home by Reason Amount of closed Homes sorted by reason


Custom Views N

Image: “Summaries Section: Custom Views”

View Name Description
Custom Example V Can be based off of specific reports or dashboards built in Zoho
Custom Example V Can include any links outside of extendedReach


Staff Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Staff Views”

View Name Description
Directory Provides a list of staff profiles
Training Lists trainings and relevant training hours completed by staff
Events + Expirations Lists expiration date of trainings for staff
Compliance Tracking Lists compliance activities that are missing or completed by staff


Resources Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Resources Views”

View Name Description
Address Book Includes contact information for commonly used doctors, attorneys, dentists, therapists, social workers, etc. among cases
Shared Forms + Files Centralized library of documents and forms that can be used throughout the organization and shared among cases and homes
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