Foster Care - Getting Started Using eR


  • Introduction
  • Layout and Navigation of Home Page
  • Searching
  • Structure of extendedReach
  • Working with Cases, Homes, and Documents


Welcome to extendedReach! This article is meant to familiarize you with the basic functionality of extendedReach. If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at 

extendedReach = Personalized + Organized + Compliant

Your personalized “Workspace” keeps your “Task List” and other duties organized, so through time, you and your agency remain compliant…and able to focus on what matters most!


Layout and Navigation

My Workspace

“My Workspace” offers easy access to your personal workload with customizable, point-and-click case management. You can access this page from anywhere in the eR system by clicking on the folder icon in the upper-left corner. Customize the configuration of your workspace by clicking the “My Preferences” button in the upper right corner.

Image: “My Workspace”

Side Menu

The “Side Menu”, on the left side of your screen, provides summarized data which can be filtered by office location, grouped in a variety of ways, and exported to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

Image: “Side Menu”


Use the search box in the lower left corner to quickly find case or home information. You can search by last name of cases or homes, even partial names work. You can also search contents of case notes and documents.

Image: “Search Box”

Structure of extendedReach

Cases, Homes, and Placements

The two most imports records in extendedReach are “Cases” and “Homes”.

  • “Cases” – each child in care typically has one case. If a child is discharged and comes back into care a new case is created and linked to the old case.
  • “Homes” consist of Foster Homes, Adoptive Parents, or Group Facilities.
  • “Placements” link a Case to a Home. Each case will have one “Active” placement. extendedReach tracks past (“Inactive”) placements as well as “Scheduled” future placements. 

Image: “Structure of extendedReach”

Activities and Reports

For each Case and Home, extendedReach tracks interactions and supported documentation in two different types of records: “Activities” and “Reports”.

  • Activities are Social Work Contacts related to a case or home.
  • Reports are documents related to a case or home. Some have due dates and/or workflow processes.

Image: “Structure of extendedReach”

Next Steps

To understand the process of adding and editing information, working with cases and homes, working with documents, and utilizing the Scanner Inbox, please see search our Knowledge Article database. 

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