Zoho Analytics: Publishing a Dashboard or a Report back to extendedReach


  • Introduction
  • Publishing a Report to extendedReach


After you have built a report or dashboard in Zoho Reports, it can be added to the side menu of extendedReach, for easy access by staff members.


Publishing a Report to extendedReach

Here are the steps to do this:

1. Open the report or Dashboard in Zoho Reports.

2. Click the Publish icon and select “URL/Permalink for this view”.

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3. Select “Access without Login” option (if needed, click set password to limit staff access).

4. Check OK.

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5. Check "Toolbar" (allows users to export as a PDF).

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6. Click the “Edit Permissions” to control Read Access/Export Data/View Underlying Data/Drill Down (“Change Columns” that are displayed when drill down is used).

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7. Click Update.

8. Copy the URL to your clipboard.

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9. In extendedReach navigate to the Administration Menu > Organization Settings > Organization Preferences > Settings Tab. Click the Edit button on the top menu. Check the option “System: Add custom URLs to side menu”.

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10. Scroll to the “Custom Side Menu textbox and type the title of the report then the pipe key then paste the URL and click the Save button on the top menu. 

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