Days Care Billing Generation


  • Introduction
  • Explanation of Billing Generation
  • Billing Generation Security Level Requirements and Access
  • Steps to Manually Generate Accounts Receivable and Invoices
  • Steps to Manually Generate Accounts Payable and Statements
  • Steps to Schedule Automatic Generation



This article is meant to assist you with the extendedReach Billing Generation. 

If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at 


Explanation of Billing Generation or “Days Care Billing”

Billing Generation is also known as “Days Care Billing”. This is a complicated calculation of 4 pieces of data, including ever changing Admittance and Discharge dates, Placements, and Rate Levels. Billing Generation provides your agency with a snapshot of “batched” Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.

Days Care Reporting relies upon Billing Generation completion, therefore it’s important your agency performs this calculation regularly, especially when there is an admission, discharge, placement or rate change.

You can run these snapshots or “Batches” as often as you wish. The most recent replaces the previous run as long as you use the same date range.


Billing Generation Security Level Requirements and Access

You must be an Agency Administrator to access “Administration” on the left side of your Workspace. Go to “Organization Billing”.

Image: “Organization Billing Access Screen”


Steps to Manually Generate Accounts Receivable and Invoice

1. Within Organization Billing, click on “Days Care: AR Generation”

Image: “Days Care: AR Generation Screen”


2. Select Generate AR Snapshot > Days Care

Image: “Days Care: AR Generation: Generate AR Screen”


3. Complete the fields

Image: “Generate Days Care AR Billing Details Screen”

  • Program(s): Select the Program(s) within your Agency you wish to generate or “Batch”, by checking the appropriate box(es)
  • Period Start: Click on the calendar icon to select the start-date (or simply type the date) you wish to generate or “Batch”
  • Period End: Click on the calendar icon to select the end-date (or simply type the date) you wish to generate or “Batch”
  • Options: Check the box next to “Generate Receivables”.

(Shortcut Tip: You can check both boxes if you are generating receivables and payables for a full month. If you are generating only a portion of the month for either, you will need to batch these separately.)


4. Press “Submit” to complete Generation Billing

Image: “Generate Days Care Submit/Working Screen”

“Submit” will change to “Working”. This working process will take up to 5 minutes to calculate all data. Be patient and be sure to wait for this process to finish. The box will close and yellow message will appear across the top which states “Completed Bill Generation”.


5. View Rate Totals or Print Days Care Invoices

Image: “Print Days Care “Batch” Screen”

Click on the small plus icon to expand a category for viewing details

  • Admin: Refers to the agency’s revenue
  • Board: Refers to the foster home’s portion
  • Total: The combination of the “Admin Rate” plus the “Board Rate”
  • Days Care: Refers to the number of days care was provided

Image: “Generate Days Care Billing Invoices Screen”

Image: “Generate Days Care Invoice Printout Screen”


Steps to Manually Generate Accounts Payable and Statements

1. Within Organization Billing, click on “Days Care: AP Generation”

Image: “Days Care: AP Generation Screen”


2. Select Generate AP Snapshot > Days Care

Image: “Days Care: AP Generation: Generate AP Screen”


3. Complete the fields.

Image: “Generate Days Care Billing AP Details Screen”

  • Program(s): Select the Program(s) within your Agency you wish to generate or “Batch”, by checking the appropriate box(es)
  • Period Start: Click on the calendar icon to select the start-date (or simply type the date) you wish to generate or “Batch”
  • Period End: Click on the calendar icon to select the end-date (or simply type the date) you wish to generate or “Batch”
  • Options: Check the box next to “Generate Payables”

(Shortcut Tip: You can check both boxes if you are generating receivables and payables for a full month. If you are generating only a portion of the month for either, you will need to batch these separately.)


4. Press “Submit” to complete Generation Billing

Image: “Generate Days Care Submit/Working Screen”

“Submit” will change to “Working”. This working process will take up to 5 minutes to calculate all data. Be patient and be sure to wait for this process to finish. The box will close and yellow message will appear across the top which states “Completed Bill Generation”.


5. View Totals or Generate AP Statements

Image: “Generate Days Care “Batch” Screen”

Click on the small plus icon to expand a category for viewing details

  • Total: The combination of the “Admin Rate” plus the “Board Rate”
  • Days Care: Refers to the number of days care was provided
  • Vendor #: This number correlates to the home, and will appear on the Statement
  • Home Name: Full name of home
  • Client Name
  • Dates: Dates during which this client resided in this home.
  • Level: Rate at which home is paid for this client

Image: “Print AP Statements Screen”

Image: “Generate Days Care Statement Printout Screen”

Print Invoices and add to checks if you wish


Steps to Schedule Automatic Generation

1. Within Organization Billing, click on “Days Care: Sched. Generation”

Image: “Days Care: Scheduled Generation Screen”


2. Click on "Add Bill Generation"

Image: “Days Care: Scheduled Generation: Add Bill Generation Screen”


3. Fill in the yellow highlighted fields at the minimum.

Image: “Generate Days Care Generation Sched: Add Bill Generation Details Screen”

Monthly Scheduled Bill Generation Information

  • Name: Title under which you wish to save this information
  • Status: For scheduling automatic generation, mark this as “Scheduled”
  • Schedule: Date this Bill Generation run (We recommend selecting a few days AFTER the end of the period. For example, a monthly generation would be run on the 3rd day of the calendar month.)
  • Send Email To: Each time Bill Generation is automatically run, extendedReach will send an email announcing it’s completion.
  • Include export file(s) as attachments: Check this box if you wish to include export file attachments


  • Program(s): Check the programs you wish to include in the auto bill generation
  • Options: Check “Payables and or Receivables. (Remember if you pay homes bimonthly or biweekly, you will need to generate Payables bi-monthly or bi-weekly, as well.


4. Press Save

Image: “Generate Days Care Generation Sched: Add Bill Generation Details Save Screen”

Image: “Generate Days Care Generation Sched: Add Bill Generation Run Screen”

Image: “Generate Days Care Generation Sched: Add Bill Generation Run Screen”

Edits can be made if needed. Be sure to save your edits.

Under “Last Message”, your screen will say, “Starting bill generation…” This working process will take up to 5 minutes to calculate all data.

Image: “Generate Days Care Generation Sched: Add Bill Generation Run Screen”

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