General Case Management - Family Group ID


  • Introduction
  • Setting Configuration
  • Family Group Identifier
  • Adding a Relative to a Family Group ID


This article is meant to assist you with linking family members together with a Family Group ID in the extendedReach system. Linking family cases allows workers to navigate to the relative’s cases in extendedReach, across multiple organizations/programs.

If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or you can contact support at 

Setting Configuration

To enable the Family Group ID tracking, go to System Settings > System Configuration and enable the setting “Cases: Allow cases to be linked with a Family ID”.

Family Group Identifier

A “Family Group ID” must be a unique identifier you choose to refer to a particular family. Your agency should determine what naming convention to use for a “Family Group ID”.

Here are some examples:
  • A shared last name, followed by the month and year of admission: “Acosta 01-2020” (January 2020).
  • Referring organization case # (if case number is the same for all relatives, or use the oldest relative’s case number).

Adding a Relative to a Family Group ID

To add a family member to the the family group, the same “Family Group ID” must be entered on each family member’s group People Tab Screen.

Place the case in “Edit” mode and type in the Family Group ID (using your agency’s naming convention) for the first member. Click the “Save” button to save the case.

Then go to each of the remaining family member’s case screens and type the same Family Group ID (or click the magnifying class to select from the list of available sibling ids).

Once the Family Group ID has been entered, you will see a list of linked family member’s cases appear (matched by an identical Family Group ID). Don’t forget to save!

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