- Introduction
- Case Screen: People Tab Layout
- Add Relationship
- Relationship Information
- Current Address
- Copy from Address Book
- Family Group ID
This article is meant to assist you with the People Tab in a Case Screen. The People Tab is a great place to store information, as this data will be accessible to all users within your agency.
If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or contact support at
Case Screen: People Tab Layout
Below is a preview of what the People tab looks like on the case screen. It will display the individual's name, relationship to the client, contact information, and any comments or relationship flags.
Image: Case Screen: People Tab Layout
Add Relationship
Existing relationships will appear. To add a relationship to the extendedReach system, click on “Add Person”.
Image: Add Relationships Button
Be sure to “Save” or “Save and Add Another” before closing this screen.
Relationship Information
Enter in any and all known relationship information about this individual including their name, relationship to the client, date of birth, occupation, etc.
If the individual is an emergency contact for the client, check the box next to "Emergency Contact". If the individual is a legal guardian for the client, check the box next to "Legal Guardian"
Image: Relationship Information
Current Address
If known, enter in the address and contact information of the relationship.
Image: Address Screen
Copy from Other Case
One way to add a relationship to the People Tab, is to click on “Copy from Other Case”.
Image: Copy from Other Case Button
Select a relationship for the list and click on “OK”.
Image: Copy from Other Case Screen
Copy from Address Book
Another way to add a relationship to the People Tab, is to click on “Copy from Address Book”. Click here to learn how to add people using the Address Book.
Image: Copy from Address Book
Family Group ID
If there are multiple cases in your extendedReach system that are family members, you can link them together and create a unique Family Group Identifier for them.
For more information on how to create a Family Group ID, click here.