Program Settings - Program Setup


  • Introduction
  • Activity Shortcuts
  • Initial Appointment Default Activity Type
  • Program Setup
  • Setup
  • Outcomes
  • Referrals
  • Required Case Fields
  • Invoice Customization


Each program is uniquely configured to meet your agency's needs. You can locate additional settings to disable or enable under Program Settings. Select the program you want to apply the changes to, then click on Edit to get started. Many of the settings will be available under the Setup tab. 

Please note that the following information is to modify existing programs. If you wish to set up a new program, please contact

Activity Shortcuts

Activity shortcuts allow for two activities to be readily accessible on your workspace. Shortcut #1 and Shortcut #2 allow you to select the activity type and Icon #1 and Icon #2 are the images that will associated with the shortcuts. 

Image: Program Activity Shortcuts

Initial Appointment Default Activity Type

When an appointment is created, you can have a specific activity default as the activity type. Select the activity from the activity drop-down. If you would like to add an activity to this list, go to Program Settings > Program Activity Types to create a new activity. 

Image: Program Default Activity Type

Program Setup

The Program Setup section is where you can enable or disable features for a particular program. Place a checkmark next to the settings you wish to enable and click on Save. You can enter a keyword into the Filter settings box to display a list of related settings. See the screenshot of the Program Settings below. Notice how the settings below the Filter Settings block all contain the work "track" in them because the user entered "track" into the Filter Settings block.

Image: Program Settings

Below is a description of the settings available. Please note that the "Financial", "Insurance", and "Authorization" settings may be unavailable for your agency as they require the Enterprise Financials. If you are interested in using Enterprise Financials, please contact 

Program Setting Description
Program: Use compliance checklist When enabled, the compliance tab will be available on the case screen. Checklist categories are controlled in the Setup section
Program: Track program categories Allows to track certain categories within a program. When enabled, allows for reports or activities to be restricted to certain categories
Program: Cases can be assigned multiple categories When “Track program categories” is enabled, you can have cases assigned to more than one category
Program: Track admission types Tracks different admission types. Can be configured in Setup section
Program: Track discharge types Track different discharge types. Can be configured in the Outcomes section
Program: Track secondary worker When enabled, allows a secondary worker to be assigned to a case
Program: Use custom labels for workers Allows for an agency to re-name the worker fields
Program: Option to track second individual (i.e. married couple) on case Allows for a secondary client to be tracked on the same case – would be considered “Client B”
Program: Hide household information Hides the household information fields such as household income, marital status, family size, and marriage date
Program: Hide Employer Hides the Employer field under the Client Information section on the case General tab
Program: Hide Religion Hides the Religion field under the Client Information section on the case General tab
Program: Hide SSN Hides the social security number field under the Client Information section on the case General tab
Program: Hide Treatment Tab Hides the Treatment tab on the case profile
Program: Track Anticipated Discharge Enables the user to track the anticipated discharge date of the case
Program: Track External Case ID and Worker Allows for the user to track an outside case id and associated worker
Program: Track External Client ID Allows for the user to track an outside client id
Program: Track Medicaid # on General tab The Medicaid number field will appear on the case General tab
Program: Track Medicare # on General tab The Medicare number field will appear on the case General tab
Program: Track State ID/DL # The drivers license / state id field will appear on the case General tab
Program: Track Immunizations Allows to track the immunization record for clients
Program: Allow cases to be linked across organizations If there are multiple organizations set up in the database, cases can be linked if they are set up in other organizations
Program: Track Last Visit Date for Case Only Keeps track of the last visit date for the case
Program: Track Last Visit Date for Case + Participants Keeps track of the last visited date for the case as well as any participants
Financial: No financial activity When enabled, will not track any financial activity associated with the case
Financial: Default activities to not be invoiced Items that are set up as default appointment activities will not be invoiced
Financial: Only direct billing Only allows for direct billing to client
Financial: No direct billing Will not allow direct billing to client
Financial: No funding organizations Funding organization will not be tracked
Financial: No internal transfers Internal transfers will not be tracked
Financial: No prepaid funding Prepaid funders will not be tracked
Financial: Use custom description for invoice line items Allows for invoices to use custom descriptions
Financial: Use don't include estimated insurance line on invoices or statements Will not include any estimated insurance amounts on invoices or statements
Financial: No rate levels Does not require rate levels
Financial: Unlicensed staff must have billable case notes approved Any staff member that is not licensed will need to have all billable notes approved before completion
Insurance: Use insurance providers Allows the user to track insurance providers for the case
Insurance: Don't allow billable activities to be added if no insurance has been added Billable activities will not be completed on cases who do not have insurance listed under their Insurance tab
Insurance: Do not mark activities to not bill insurance if no insurance has been added Will not bill activities to insurance if insurance has not been added
Insurance: Create claims for activities that use Prepaid Funding Allows for claims to be created for those who use Prepaid Funding
Insurance: Default activities to not bill insurance Items that are set up as default appointment activities will not be billed to insurance
Insurance: Default payments to be from insurance All payments entered in for the case will default to insurance payments
Authorizations: Do not track authorizations Will not track authorizations
Authorizations: Designate if authorization is required on Activity Type vs. Case Screen Bill Options The option to make an authorization required for a specific activity would show on the activity settings
Authorizations: Require authorization (Default) Authorization is required for all activities by default
Authorizations: Track authorizations by individual (Client A, Client B, or Relationship) If a second individual is being tracked or there are relationships under the People tab, separate authorizations can be entered in for those individuals
Authorizations: Hide Authorization # Hides the authorization number on the case side panel
Authorizations: Default authorizations to be received vs. requested When entering in authorizations, defaults the authorization type to “received” rather than “requested”
Authorizations: Default authorizations to be unit-based (vs. session-based) Defaults authorizations to be based on units rather than sessions
Authorizations: Default authorizations to specify activity type Defaults authorizations to always specific the activity types it is restricted to
Appointments: Send appointment reminders Allows for an agency to send text message reminders to clients about upcoming appointments. Click here for more information



Under the setup section, you can add or remove drop-down list items. You may also change the label of certain fields within extendedReach. In the Setup section, you can add to the compliance checklist, admission types, relationship types, and treatment goal categories. 

Image: Program Setup



Outcomes are selected when a case is closed/discharged. Here you can add the list of successful outcomes or unsuccessful outcomes as well as discharge types. To track the discharge types, the setting "Program: Track discharge types" must be enabled.

Image: Discharge Outcomes



If your agency is tracking referrals, you can modify selections for the referral reasons, sources, services, and reasons the referral was rejected. If these options are not available and you would like to start tracking referrals, go to System Settings > System Configuration > disable the setting "Referrals: Don't track referrals".

Image: Referral Selections


Required Case Fields

The fields in this section can be marked as required. When a staff member is editing the case, they would be required to fill in the fields that are marked with a check mark below. 

Image: Required case fields


Invoice Customization

Invoices can have their "remit payment to" area modified. Use the text field to enter in the name of the individual or organization for payment to be remitted to. 

Image: Remit payment 

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