- Introduction
- Workflow Process
This article is meant to assist you with creating and completing casework in extendedReach.
All casework in extendedReach is stored in either an “Activity” (social work contact or event) or a “Report” (a document that is created or collected). Each “Activity” or “Report” will have a status that starts as “Due”, “Draft”, or "Expires". The goal is to finish the casework, have it approved by supervisor (as necessary), and to move the status to “Complete”. This article will walk you through that process.
If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or contact support at
Workflow Process
Step 1: Create or select Activity or Report to complete.
To begin work on a particular Activity or Report – select the activity or report for a Case or Home though one of the following methods:
Option 1: Choose the Activity or Report name from the “Add Activity” or “Add Report” menu on a “Case or Home.”
Image: Workflow: Creating Casework
Option 2: Click an item in the “Compliance” tab.
Image: Workflow: Creating Casework
Option 3: Click an item in the “Task List” on your Home Page.
Image: Workflow: Creating Casework
Step 2: Ensure the document is in edit mode and fill in any required fields.
Click on "Edit" to enter into edit mode on the report or activity. All required fields will be highlighted in yellow and must be filled out, all other fields are optional.
Image: Edit
Step 3: Create the note, generate a file, or attach a file.
If you write a note or attach a Word Document, click “Generate Narrative” or “Generate File” to use a pre-built template. If the document or narrative is set up with field codes, then extendedReach may pre-fill the template with information for the selected case or home (including your signature).
If a supervisor needs to approve the document, it is important that you leave the signature line of the Word Document in tact, so it can be auto-filled with the supervisor’s signature upon approval. Do not remove the code.
Image: Signature Block
If you collecting a document using the paper clip icon (such as a birth certificate) use the paper clip to attach the file from your PC (or use the scanner inbox). For more details, please see Attaching and Deleting Files and Using Your Scanner Inbox.
Step 4: Save your changes.
With all changed you make in extendedReach, always click on the Save button. Click one of these buttons from the top menu to save your changes:
- “Save”: saves and keeps current status.
- “Draft”: Saves and changes status to “Draft” (keeps item on your task list and indicates you must still finish it).
- “Complete”: Saves and changes status to “Complete” (indicating you are done with your work).
- "Submit for Approval”: Saves and changes status to “Submitted” (a supervisor will receive notice that the document must be reviewed and approved).
Image: Save/Save and Submit for Approval
Step 5: Supervisor Reviews (Only for items that require approval)
Supervisor may make any edits to the activity or report (in “Edit Mode”) and then choose one of the following options:
- “Save”: Saves and keeps current status (of “Submitted”)
- “Approve + Complete”: Saves and changes status to “Approved”. The supervisor’s signature, name, credentials, title, and date approved will be automatically added to the signature block for MS Word documents. Once approved, only those with supervisory/approval status can make further changes. This marks the task as completed.
- “Reject”: Saves and changes status to “Rejected”. The document will be returned to the worker’s Task List to further edit the document and eventually re-submit to a Supervisor.
Image: Save/Save and Submit
As items are submitted, extendedReach will time stamp this history for documentation purposes.
Image: Item History Time Stamp