Program Activity Types


  • Introduction
  • Explanation and Purpose of Activity Types
  • Security Level Requirements and Access
  • Adding and Maintaining Program Activity Types
  • Advanced Settings


This article is meant to assist you with the details in Adding and Maintaining Program Activity Types.  If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or contact support at 


Explanation and Purpose of Program Activities

Program Activity Types control your list of available Activities within a particular Program. Activities are events that occur at a certain point in time and need to be documented. These are typically social work contacts such as a phone calls, appointments, letters, or emails. Activities usually have an associated case note or narrative and may also have associated file attachments.

Security Level Requirements and Access

You must be an Agency Administrator to access the “Administration” menu on the left side of your Workspace. Go to “Program Settings” and click on “Program Activity Types”.

Image: Program Activity Types Access Screen

Adding and Maintaining Program Activity Types

1. Once in “Activity Types, select an existing activity from the list or create a new one by clicking “Add Activity Type”.

2. If Cloning an Activity Type, click on “Clone Activity Type” within an existing Activity Type.

Image: Activity Type: Clone Screen

This new Activity Type will be titled, “COPY OF…”

Image: Activity Type: Clone Screen

3. If editing an existing Activity Type, click on “Edit”.

4. Within the General screen, complete the fields. Required fields are highlighted, while optional fields are not.

Image: “Activity Type: General Screen”

Activity Type Information

Activity Type Information Description
Activity Name Name of the activity
Program (if applicable) Name of the program using the activity
Abbreviation The abbreviation will update depending on the program that is chosen
Create Trigger(s) If you would like an activity to be triggered based on the occurrence of another event, you can select one of these options. See Due Dates in Related Articles for more detail.
Menu Order The number you assign will determine the order in which this activity appears in the activity menu found within a specific program. (The top 12 activities appear if you hover over “Add Activity”, however you can click on “More” to view all activities in alphabetic order.)
Inactive Only inactivate if you no longer wish to use this activity type



In the configuration section, you will find additional activity settings to further customize your activity.

Image: Activity Types: Program Configuration Options

Configuration Description
Due date Sets a one-time due date or repeating due date for the activity. 
Unique activity This allows for only one per case. Once this activity is completed for a client, another one cannot be created
Expires after Allows for an activity to expire after a certain period (cannot be combined with due dates)
Can schedule Allows for the activity to be selected when creating an appointment
No show Provides the option to mark the activity as “No Show”
Requires approval The activity will require approval from a direct supervisor in order to be completed
Group activity Allows the activity to be copied over to other cases
Record units Keep track on the unit length of the activity
Record duration with start and stop times Enter in specific “Start Time” and “End Time” to the activity information. Total time will be automatically calculated
Record duration without start and stop times Record the duration of the activity using minute/hour units (e.g. 2 hours, 45 min)
Record fee Track the fee amount incurred during the activity session
Include in case note summary Includes the activity in the Case Note print template as well as the Case Note section of the Case File
Show [Add Another] button (will automatically complete activity) Allows the worker to complete the activity and automatically create a new one
Use Custom Form Builder Build a custom form for the activity. 
Check for duplicate activity type on same day Warns the user if the same activity was created at the same time on the same day
Use system assigned abbreviation Marks the activity with the default abbreviation associated with the program
Delete if due after close date and case closed (if due dates are enabled) Prevents due items from repeating after cases have been discharged
Use months instead of days for due date units (if due dates are enabled) Allows for items to be due using month units rather than day units
Show in compliance checklist Activity will display in the designated section on the Compliance Tab
Copy this activity when case is readmitted (if complete) Will copy over the completed activity into the client’s Case File if they were discharged and re-admitted
Show as Profile Picture (must be template type Photo below) If the template type of “Photo – User Will Attach” is being used, the activity can be used as a profile picture upload
Show guidelines/help text Will display help text to the users on how to fill out the activity


Rate Levels

Image: Rate Levels

Field Name Description
Rate Level Select the type of service from the drop-down menu.
Rate Add the rate this level receives per hour.
CPT Code Select the CPT Code for this service from the drop-down menu. To add CPT codes to the drop-down list, go to System Settings > Codes: CPT



Image: Activity Types: General: Template Screen

Template Type Information Description
Text – Use Field Codes Enter in text into the narrative box using field codes. Once completed, the narrative box will display the field code information
Text and User Attached File Allows users to add a text narrative as well as attach a file
File – Use Field Codes Upload documents that use extendedReach field codes to populate the fields
File – No Field Codes Upload documents without field codes
File – User Will Attach User will attach a file (PDF or Word)
Photo – User Will Attach User can attach a photo(s)
This narrative format is mandatory Check the box if this format is required when workers make notes in this Activity Type
Narrative Add the narrative with Custom Field Codes, from the “Custom” Tab, if you wish. This narrative will appear when you access this Activity Type in the eR system

Image: Activity Types: General: Template Screen

Once you save your work, the Activity Type will be complete and usable. Your new activity is now accessible from your workspace within a home or a case, and usable in your agency’s workflow.

Image: Usable Activity

Advanced Settings

When creating a new activity type, there are additional advanced settings that you can enable to further customize your activity. To show advanced settings, click on "Show Advanced Options". 

Image: Show Advanced Options

Setting Description
Record units using start and end days (vs. time) Record units must be enabled - Unit amounts are based on the number of days rather than time
Units and fee (if applicable) are encounter-based (not based on duration) Record units must be enabled - Units and fee amount are fixed and do not change based on duration of a session
Use quarter hour periods when recording time Record units must be enabled - Records time duration based on quarter hours (e.g. 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes)
Record exact time but count only full quarter hour periods when calculating units (advanced) Record units must be enabled – Records exact duration of session; however, only uses quarter periods when calculating units
Record exact time but round to nearest quarter hour period when calculating units (advanced) Record units must be enabled - Records exact duration of session; however, rounds to the quarter period when calculating units
Use formula to determine units Record units must be enabled – Unit calculation is based on a formula. Please contact support for further assistance.
Use Medicaid 8-minute rule for units Record units must be enabled - Uses the Medicaid 8-minute rule to calculate units. 
Default start and stop times to specified values (advanced) Record units must be enabled – default start and end times for the session can be set
Allow start and stop time to be the same (zero minute duration) (advanced) Record units must be enabled – allows for a 0 minute session
Rate varies based on level Record Fee must be enabled – rate level for session varying depending on the rate level (e.g. MSW, LMSW) of the staff completing the activity
Always bill "Direct" (advanced) Record Fee must be enabled – always bills direct to the client
Default activity date to blank instead of today (advanced) Will default the activity date to be a blank field rather than populate the current date
Specify involved participants from people tab (advanced) Specify who and how many participants partook in the activity. Participants are selected from the client’s People tab
Specify the number of total participants and first-time participants (advanced) Counts the total amount of participants and indicates new, first time participants
Authorization is required (advanced) Authorization is required for the activity. Will show as unauthorized if authorization is not selected
Authorization is not required/optional (advanced) Authorization is not required and is optional for the activity
Authorization is never used/hidden (advanced) Authorization view will be hidden
Invoice zero amounts (advanced) Allows to invoice $0 amount sessions
Submit claims for zero amounts (advanced) Allows to submit claims for $0 amounts
Allow copy from previous (advanced) Allows to copy over documents that were completed for the prior activity
Associate with a Treatment Goal (advanced) Provides the option to associate the activity with a current goal under the client’s Treatment tab
Require file attachment to submit, approve, or complete Staff will not be able to complete the activity without a file attachment
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