Custom Form Builder


  • Introduction
  • Explanation and Purpose of Custom Form Builder
  • Security Level Requirements and Access
  • Enabling the Custom Form Builder
  • Creating a Custom Form
  • Agency Use of Custom Form Builder


This article is meant to provide you with details about the extendedReach Custom Form Builder, used in Activities and Reports. If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Topics or you can Contact Support at 


Explanation and Purpose of Custom Form Builder

The Custom Form Builder is a tool used to create customized forms within activities and reports. This tool is an upgrade from basic Custom Fields. You can add 100+ fields, record narratives, gather signatures, and customize of the layout of forms.

Security Level Requirements and Access

You must be an Agency Administrator to access the “Administration” menu on the left side of your Workspace.

Enabling the Custom Form Builder

From an Activity Type or Report Type, click on Edit mode. Click on the General tab, and scroll down to Configuration and select "Use Custom Form Builder". 

Image: Enable Form Builder 

Creating a Custom Form

Once enabled, click on the Custom tab to begin configuring the custom form.

Image: Custom Tab

To add a field, drag and drop the desired field into the "Add Fields Here" area. Available fields are found on the right side of the screen. You can also simply click on the type of field you want to add to have it automatically added to the form. 

Image: Custom Tab: Add a Field

Field Setting Description
Section Break Creates a visual break by adding a horizontal line. Section titles can be added as well
Guidelines/Help Text Non-editable text fields where you can enter in blocks of text – field can be bolded, used as a warning, or highlighted in blue
Single Line Text Provides a single-lined text box
Date Date field where dates can be selected by clicking on the field when in use
Time Time field where time can be selected by clicking on the field when in use (time in increments of 5 minutes)
Number Only numbers will be accepted when entered into this field
Dropdown Provides a dropdown list of items for the user to choose from
Paragraph Allows the user to enter in full paragraphs into the text box
Checkboxes Provides a selection to choose from where the user can select multiple options
Multiple Choice Provides a selection to choose from where the user can only select one option
Signature Allows for user to capture on screen signatures – can be collected using a computer mouse, stylus, or a finger tip
Page Break For printing purposes - add a page break to move a custom form section to a new page


Another option is to click on "Copy Another Form". This will provide a pop-up of all custom forms that have been created and saved in your extendedReach system. Select the form you'd like to copy over and click on Ok. 

Image: Copy Another Form

To delete a field, simply hover over the field and click on the red X that appears in the lower right hand corner of the box.

Image: Custom Tab: Delete a Field

To change the label of a field, click on the field then go to the Settings tab. In the settings tab, you can also alter the width of the field, mark it required, make it show in the Case File description, or place field codes into the Default field so that information automatically populates. 

Image: Custom Field Settings

Agency Use of Custom Form Builder

  • Compliance Checklist

Add an activity or report with a custom form to the Compliance Checklist. For complete instructions on adding an activity or report, please see the Related Articles below. 

  • Workflow

Go to compliance checklist within a case, and click on the revised report/activity. Complete form and continue with your workflow process. For more details regarding Workflow, please see our Creating, Approving, and Completing Activities and Reports (Workflow) Article.

  • Use Field Codes to push information into Microsoft Word Documents

Every time you create a new field in Custom Form Builder, a field code number is assigned to that field. You can use the fields in the custom form and push the data to Word documents for the same activity or report type. 

To locate the field number, click on the field then locate the field number in the bottom right corner. 

Image: Custom Field Settings Field Codes

There are two ways you can use these numbers as field codes:

1. Pull data from a custom form field into a document or narrative on that same activity or report

For Activities: <YCF[FIELD #]>

For Reports: <PCF[FIELD #]>

Using the example from the activity above, that field code would be <YCF7>. 

2. Pull a field from the last activity/report of a different report 

Case Report Format: <CCREP-CustomField_Value_[FIELD #]-[Report Name]>

Case Activity Format: <CCACT-CustomField_Value_[FIELD #]-[Activity Name]>

For example, to pull the 25th field from the Intake Assessment report use <CCREP-CustomField_Value_25-Intake Assessment>

Note that the report or activity name for this field code must match what is in extendedReach exactly. For more details regarding adding Field Codes, click here. 

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