Collecting External Signatures


  • Introduction
  • Enabling the "Collect External Signature"
  • Configuring the Signature Collection
  • Requesting Signatures
  • Signer's Point of View
  • Email Alerts
  • Signature Tracking


This article is meant to assist you with collecting external signatures within extendedReach. This feature allows for collecting online signatures from external parties, such as clients, secondary clients, state workers, etc.  This new feature works with Web Documents and Custom Forms. Recipients can sign on their computer, tablet, or phone!

If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at 

Enabling the "Collect External Signature"

Go to the settings of any activity/report, click on Edit, click on “Show Advanced Options” under the Configuration section and enable “Collect external signatures” and save.

Image: Enabling “Collect external signatures”

Configuring the Signature Collection

Scroll down to the bottom of the report/activity settings, and a new section will appear called “External Signature Configuration”.

In this section, configure how many signatures you want to collect, and who needs to sign.

Use the “# of signatures” drop-down field to select how many signatures need to be collected. You can collect up to 10 signatures for one document.

Image: Number of Signatures Configuration 

In the “Signature 1”, “Signature 2”, etc. fields, select who will receive the document to sign. Signers can include: Clients, Secondary Clients, Case Relationships with emails (entered in under the People tab), and manually entered recipients. 

Image: Signature Configuration 

To the right of each Signature field, are 3 field codes: <*ES1> , <*EN1>, and <*ED1>. The numbers change depending on the signature order. So field codes for the individual listed under “Signature 1” will end in 1; field codes for the individual listed under “Signature 7” will end in 7.

Signature image: <*ES1>

Name of the person who signed:  <*EN1>

Date they signed: <*ED1>

Image: Signature Field Code Location

Place the fields codes in the Web Document or Custom Form:

Image: Web Document Field Code Configuration 

For custom forms, use the Signature field, and enter the field code in the “Default” field.

Image: Custom Form Builder Field Code Configuration

Requesting Signatures

Signature requests can happen before or after items are submitted, approved, and/or completed. When you are ready to collect the signatures, click on “Collect External Signatures”.

Reminder: The field codes will be visible – do not remove them!

Image: Collect External Signature Button

A pop-up will then appear, populated with the email information of those who are going to sign (if they emails are entered into extendedReach).

If an email is missing, the field will appear blank. Use the drop-down to send it to a relationship with an email address, or add a new relationship. You can also select “do not collect this signature” for a specific individual.

Image: Add New Relationship 

When you click on Add Relationship, enter in the First Name, Last Name, and email address.

Image: New Relationship Fields

You can add an optional message that will be sent along with the link to sign. Click Send to send the signature request(s).

Image: Optional Message

Once the requests are sent, a new section will appear on the report/activity screen — “Collect External Signatures”. It lists who it was sent to, when it was sent, when they viewed it, and provides the option to send reminder emails to sign and/or to change a recipient.

To send a reminder or change who the recipient is, click on Send Reminder/Edit.

Image: Collect Signatures Report View

The Viewed column will update with their most recent view time. Once they sign, the signed column will populate with the time signed. Additionally, once they’ve signed, the field codes will be replaced with their information.

Image: Updated Viewed/ Signed Times

Signer's Point of View

Signature requests are unique for each signer, using a custom Token for identification and security.

The recipient will receive an email from requesting their signature. The optional message will display at the top of the email, and the link to sign will be at the bottom.

Image: Recipient's Email Notification 

When they click on the link to sign, a new tab will open up that displays the web document or custom form. They can view the document and then click on “Sign Document” to sign it. They can use their mouse, a stylus, or their finger.

Image: Sign Document

Image: Signature Collection

Once their signature has been recorded, they will get a confirmation message.

Image: Confirmation Message

If they try to access the document link again, after they’ve signed, they will receive an error message.

Image: Error Message

Email Alerts

With this feature comes 3 new Email Alert Event Types:

  1. External Signature – Signed (All): for when all recipients have signed
  2. External Signature – Signed (Partial): for when a recipient has signed, but not all signatures have been collected
  3. External Signatures – Viewed: for when a recipient has viewed the document

Image: Email Alert Options

These options allow for several activity/report types. When using the External Signature – Signed (All) Event Type, you can include the external signer’s on the email alert, so they can receive a copy of the documentation as well.

Image: Email Alert Configuration

Signature Tracking

Monitor which documents are missing signatures under Case Tasks > Awaiting External Signature.

This view will list which document(s) are missing signatures, and who needs to sign them.

Image: Case Tasks - Awaiting External Signature View

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