General Case Management - Staff Training and Documentation


  • Introduction
  • Overview of Staff Training and Documentation
  • Configuring Your Staff Compliance Checklist
  • Two Ways To Begin Using the Staff Compliance Checklist
  • Staff Access to Compliance Checklist


This article is meant to provide you with an overview of adding staff training and documentation in extendedReach.  If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or contact support at 

Overview of Staff Training and Documentation

extendedReach provides you with the ability to create a custom “Compliance” checklist, which ensures your staff are meeting training and documentation requirements.

You must be an Agency Administrator to access this checklist which appears on the “Staff” screen on the “Compliance Tab”.

Image: Compliance Tab: Staff Screen

Configuring Your Staff Compliance Checklist

Go to the System Settings then System Configuration. Click the Keywords tab and then scroll to the bottom where it says “Staff Keywords".

You will see five boxes on this screen:

  • Rate Levels
  • Staff Documents (Mandated)
  • Staff Documents (Other)
  • Staff Training (Mandated)
  • Staff Training (Other)

Image: "Staff Keywords"

Enter information, for the rate levels, documents, or trainings, one per line. Type the document name (one per line) you wish to track on the checklist in the “Staff Documents (Mandated)”. Type training topics (one per line) you wish to track on the checklist in the “Staff Training (Mandated)”.

Note that only items listed in the "Mandated" boxes will show in the Compliance tab. All other items will be available when you click on "Add Document" or "Add Training" in the staff profile. 

You can add other commonly used document title and training topics in the respective “Other” list boxes. (You can always add miscellaneous documents and training topics during data entry – so you don’t need to make this an exhaustive list).

Go the extra mile and add predetermined expiration dates and hours by adding “|# Months|# Hours” to the end of the staff training title.

So for example, adding a CPR class with a 2 year expiration and 2 credit hours would be “CPR|24|2”.   

If the training does not have an expiration, use 0. For example, a Cultural Diversity training with no expiration date, and 3 credit hours would look like “Cultural Diversity|0|3”.

For documents that do not require training hours, use “ |# Months ” . For example, a Background check that expires in 1 year would be “Background Check|12”.

Click “Save” to save the document and training lists.

Image: Example of predetermined hours and dates set up

Two Ways To Begin Using the Staff Compliance Checklist:

Option 1. Add a New Staff Document

Go to Organization Settings > Staff Profiles and click on the name of any of your staff. Click the “Add Document” button.

Image: “Accessing Staff Profiles”

Image: “Add New Staff Document”

Select the document “Title” or click the green “+” icon to add a new type.

If the document expires, type in the expiration date (otherwise leave the “Expires” date blank.

If you wish to add an attachment to the document screen, click the paperclip icon to attach the file. Only Administrators and Restricted Staff Administrators can access attachments on the Document screen.

Once you click “Save", the saved document will appear on the “Documents” tab. If the saved document title appears on the “Mandated” list it will also appear on the “Compliance” tab.

Image: “New Staff Document”

Option 2. Add a New Staff Training

Go to Organization Settings > Staff Profiles and click on the name of any of your staff. Click the “Add Training” button.

Image: “Add New Staff Training”

Select the training “Topic” or click the green “+” icon to add a new type. If the training expires, type in the expiration date (otherwise leave the “Expires” date blank. Enter in the amount of training hours earned and enter in optional information such as the Instructor's name and location of the training. 

If you wish to add an attachment to the document screen, click the paperclip icon to attach the file.

Once you click “Save", the saved training will appear on the “Training” tab. If the saved training topic appears on the “Mandated” list it will also appear on the “Compliance” tab.

Image: “New Training Document”

Staff Access to Compliance Checklist

To view the compliance tracking for all the staff, Click the “Compliance Tracking” option on the side menu under "Staff". This list is exportable to Microsoft Excel.

Click on any of the dates to view the related trainings or documents.

Image: “Compliance Checklist Staff Access”

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