Program Activity Types



This article is meant to assist you with the details in adding and maintaining Program Activity Types. Program Activity Types control your list of available Activities within a particular Program. Activities are events that occur at a certain point in time and need to be documented. These are typically social work contacts such as a home visits or collateral contacts such as phone calls, letters, or email. Activities usually have an associated case note or narrative and may also have associated file attachments. 





You must be an Agency Administrator to access the “Administration” menu on the left side of your Workspace. Go to “Program Settings” and click on “Program Activity Types”.








Image: “Program Activity Types Access Screen”


Adding and Maintaining Program Activity Types


Once in “Activity Types, select an existing activity from the list or create a new one by clicking “Add Activity Type”.

Click on “Edit” if editing an existing Activity Type. Within the General screen, complete the fields. Required fields are highlighted, while optional fields are not.

Image: “Activity Type: General Screen”


Activity Type Information


Activity Type Information Description
Activity Name Name of the activity
Program (if applicable) Name of the program using the activity
Create Trigger(s) If you would like an activity to be triggered based on the occurrence of another event, you can select one of these options. See Due Dates in Related Articles for more detail.
Menu Order The number you assign will determine the order in which this activity appears in the activity menu found within a specific program. (The top 12 activities appear if you hover over “Add Activity”, however you can click on “More” to view all activities in alphabetic order.)
Inactive Only inactivate if you no longer wish to use this activity type




For the Activity Categoryselect either Medical or General Activity. Most activities will fall under the General category; however, activities relating to child wellness (eye doctors, psychiatrists, dentists, etc.) should use the Medical Activity Category. 

Configuration Description
Due For more details on Due Dates, see Related Articles. 
Expires after For more details on Expiration Dates see Related Articles. 
Can mark as “Missed” Activity does not need to always be completed and can be marked as missed
Stop repeating if foster care case closed Prevents due date from repeating if the case has been closed/discharged
Delete if due after close date and foster case closed Deletes the due activity if the due date is after the closed date and the case has been closed
Delete if due after close date and adoption case closed Deletes the due activity if the due date is after the closed date and the adoption case has been closed
Track Start Time Records the start time of the activity
Track End Time + Duration Records the end time and duration of the activity
Requires Proof + Approval for Some Agencies (advanced) Requires being proof read and needs supervisor approval before being marked complete
Requires Approval Activity must be approved reviewed and approved by a supervisor before being marked complete
Require Review by Funding Organization (advanced) Funding Organization must review before activity is marked as complete
Foster Home Visit Indicates there was a visit to the foster home
Bio/Aftercare Home Visit (only enable if you want this to update Last Home Visit date on case) (advanced) Indicates there was a biological family or aftercare home visit
Unannounced Home Visit Indicates there was an unplanned, unannounced home visit
Prompt if Announced or Unannounced Home Visit Before activity can be completed, worker must indicate whether there was an announced or unannounced home visit
Adoption Worker Visit (advanced) Indicates an adoption worker visited the client
Client Face-to-Face Contact Client had in person contact
Include in Case Note Summary Includes the activity in the Case Note Summary
Copy this activity if case is readmitted Copies the completed activity if the case is readmitted to a program
Required Activity (advanced) Activity is required by workers to complete
Show [Add Another] button (will automatically complete activity) Allows the worker to complete the activity and automatically create a new one
Warn if two in the same day Warns the user if there are two of the same activities filled out in the same day
Share Completed Activity Files on the Family Website Shares the completed activities on the foster family website
Show in Compliance Checklist Shows the activity as an item in the compliance checlikst
Billable Service (advanced) Mark the activity as a billable service
Associate with a foster home and show in home file Shows the completed activity in the home file of the associated foster home
Associate with a Treatment Goal (when activated and available) (advanced) Allows the activity to be associated with an existing treatment goal
Prompt to Copy to Siblings Asks the worker if they want to copy the completed activity over to the siblings
Prompt to Copy to all of Worker’s Active Cases (advanced) Copies the completed activity to all of the workers active cases
Hide for “Adoption Only” cases (advanced) Hides activity for adoption only cases
Hide for “Foster Care Only” cases (advanced) Hides activity for foster care only cases
Hide for “Non-Residential” facilities (advanced) Hides activity for non-residential facilities
Hide for “Residential” facilities (advanced) Hides activity for residential facilities
Update Case Field on “Complete” (advanced) Updates the case field once the activity is marked as complete
Require file attachment to submit, approve, or complete File must be attached in order to submit, approve, or complete the activity
Show guidelines/help text Displays any guidelines or help text provided
Use formula on Properties (advanced) Formula is used to calculate due date

Image: “Activity Types: Program Configuration Options”




Image: “Activity Types: Template Screen”

Template Type Information Description
Text – Use Field Codes Enter in text into the narrative box using field codes. Once completed, the narrative box will display the field code information
Text and User Attached File Allows users to add a text narrative as well as attach a file
File – Use Field Codes Upload documents that use extendedReach field codes to populate the fields
File – No Field Codes Upload documents without field codes
File – User Will Attach User will attach a file (PDF or Word)
Photo – User Will Attach User can attach a photo(s)
This narrative format is mandatory Check the box if this format is required when workers make notes in this Activity Type
Narrative Add the narrative with Custom Field Codes, from the “Custom” Tab, if you wish. This narrative will appear when you access this Activity Type in the eR system

Image: “Activity Types: General: Template Screen”


Once you save your work, the Activity Type will be complete and usable. Your new activity is now accessible from your workspace within a home or a case, and usable in your agency’s workflow.

Image: “Usable Activity”

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