Internal Signatures Within Word Documents
To accomplish internal signatures on Word documents, you must include signature field codes.
At minimum, the field code for worker (Performed By) should be included.
Example: <*TS>The “Performed By” signature appears when the document is created.
The author's name must be the name selected in “Performed By” unless the user has the permission “Enters casework on behalf of others…” (not common).
If completing casework on behalf of others, the alternate “Performed By” name must be changed before opening the Word document.
If the document requires approval, you must include the signature field code for supervisor (Submit To). Ex: <*SS>This signature appears only after the document is approved.
The approver must be the name selected in “Submit To” unless the approver has the permission “Enters casework on behalf of others…” (not common).
Important: If a user does not have permission to enter casework on behalf of others, they must edit the document and change the “Performed By” or “Submit To” (depending on the action) to their own name to complete, submit or approve it. Otherwise, a warning will appear that the staff record is not associated with your user id, and you must select your name as “Submit To” to proceed:
Note that signatures will appear within the Word document, as well as on the activity/report “Print” view. If document may be approved by a different person than the “Submit To,” it is recommended that you select “Hide signature when printing (advanced)” on the document’s configuration options.
Results on the Word document, regardless of whether it was approved by another person:
In this example, the document was generated + submitted for approval by CM Charlotte (Performed By) to Supervisor Charlotte (Submit To), and it was approved by Supervisor Charlotte.
The system generated signature results on the “Print” view will mirror those in the Word document (like above).
In this example, the document was generated + submitted for approval by CM Charlotte (Performed By) to Supervisor Charlotte (Submit To), but it was approved by ED Jackson.
Internal Signatures Within Web Documents
Utilize the same process as Word documents, but there is no need to select “Hide signature when printing (advanced)” on the document’s configuration options (only the Web document will be shown when printing). The signature appears when the worker generates the document. The approver’s signature appears only after the document is approved.
You will only see the alternate approvers information in the History section at top, if applicable:
In this example, the document was generated + submitted for approval by CM Charlotte (Performed By) to Supervisor Charlotte (Submit To), but it was approved by ED Jackson.
Internal Signatures Within Custom Forms
It is not necessary to use signature field codes on Custom Forms, unless you desire to have the signatures always appear on screen. By default, internal signatures will automatically be generated on the form once submitted, completed, or approved. The approver’s signature appears only after the document is approved.

Results on the Custom Form “Print” view when approved by the “Submit To”:
When using signature field codes on Custom Forms, the “Performed By” signature appears when the document is created. The approver’s signature appears only after the document is approved. When using these field codes, it is also recommended that you use the “Hide signature when printing (advanced)” on the document’s configuration options. Otherwise, duplicate signatures will appear (as shown above). With this setting turned on, you will only see the first two signatures shown above when in “Print” view.
The difference will be if the document was approved by an alternate person.
Results on the Custom Form “Print” view when approved by an alternate person:
In this example, the document was generated + submitted for approval by CM Charlotte (Performed By) to Supervisor Charlotte (Submit To), but it was approved by ED Jackson.
You can also see the alternate approved by information in the History section at top, if applicable: