Yes! When a new Zoho account is created, we include a few sample reports/dashboards to get you started. These are located in a separate folder (Sample Reports), and your organization is free to duplicate, modify, move or remove them as needed.
Here is a summary of the reports/dashboards currently included in a new Zoho account setup:
FC & GCM workspaces:
Compliance Reports
Activities: Service Date vs. Completed Date: Must add Activities.DaysToCompletion with this formula: datetime_diff(day,"ActivityDate","CompletedOn")
Compliance - Activities and Reports: Shows compliance data for all activities and reports for cases and homes
Compliance Report Setup (Data): Custom query that pulls together all activities and reports for cases and homes and displays caseworker, date due, activity/report date, status, on time, performed by, completed on, and case/home name
Custom Labels
CustomLabels - Activities: View of all labels of custom columns and their corresponding field numbers for any activity
CustomLabels - Reports: View of all labels of custom columns and their corresponding field numbers for any report
Demographics Report: Name, age, gender, race, referral source, *branch, **city, **county, and **household income (*FC only, **GCM only)
Monthly Census: Displays census over time with a separate line for each year
Productivity Reports
Staff Encounters: Includes date, time, units, and encounters (direct & indirect)
Staff Training:
Staff Training: Tracks staff training and expiration dates
Staff Training (Data): Custom query that pulls together training data for all staff
Units By Report:
Units By (Data): Gathers all data for the “Units by” reports, below
Units by Client: Replicates data from Units by Client report in extendedReach, and allows filtering by Year, Month, Program, and ActivityType
Units by Funding: Replicates data from Units by Funding report in extendedReach, and allows filtering by Year, Month, Program, and ActivityType
Units by Type: Replicates data from Units by Type report in extendedReach, and allows filtering by Year, Month, Program, and ActivityType
Units by Worker: Replicates data from Units by Worker report in extendedReach, and allows filtering by Year, Month, Program, and ActivityType
FC only:
AP Reports
Foster Parent Payments: Displays Foster Parent Payments data, and allows filtering by Month & Year, Home/Facility Name, and Branch
Foster Parent Payments (Data): Pulls together data for Foster Parent Payment billing
AR Reports (Enterprise Only)
AR Activities Adjustments for Aging (Posted): Pulls together Adjustments data for Activities for AR Aging As Of Report
AR Activities Payments for Aging (Posted): Pulls together Payments data for Activities for AR Aging As Of Report
AR Aging As Of Buckets (Posted): Calculates aging buckets for AR Aging As Of Report
AR Aging As Of Dashboard (Posted): Displays AR Aging As Of Report along with the Buckets and Balances Reports that make it up (primarily used for troubleshooting)
AR Aging As Of Report (Posted): Shows aging for monthly AR balances, and allows filtering by ActivityTypeID (FK), AR Type, Transaction ID (Trx ID), and Program
AR Balances for Aging (Posted): Pulls together Charges, Adjustments, and Payments data and calculates Balances for AR Aging As Of Report
AR By Branch: Pulls data from AR Detail Report (Data)
AR By Organization: Pulls data from AR Detail Report (Data)
AR By Primary Payer: Pulls data from AR Detail Report (Data)
AR By Program: Pulls data from AR Detail Report (Data)
AR Dashboard: Combines the following AR reports: AR By Primary Payer, Program, Organization, and Branch, Total Outstanding Balance, and allows filtering by Date of Service, Organization, Branch, Program, and Primary Payer
AR Days Care Adjustments for Aging (Posted): Pulls together Adjustments data for Days Care for AR Aging As Of Report
AR Days Care Adjustments for Aging (Posted): Pulls together Payments data for Days Care for AR Aging As Of Report
AR Detail Report: Custom query that pulls together AR data for audit purposes
Case Reports
Demographics Report: (see description above)
Disruption Reasons: Replace Activities.CustomField5 with the field that reflects DisruptionReasons for your agency. Also, adjust the ActivityType filter to reflect the correct ActivityType where DisruptionReasons are captured.
Days Care Reports
Days Care Changes (formerly Billing Activity Dashboard): Tracks admission dates, discharge dates, current rates, rate changes, and current placements
Days Care Rate Detail: Sums DaysDare by program, client, year, and month (batch dates), and level of care (rate level)
Days Care Rate Detail (Data): Pulls together data from DaysCare-Receivables, Cases, and Homes
Discharged Cases
Placements Changes
Rate Revisions
Rates by Expiration
Training Data and Reports
Babysitter / Caregiver Training: Tracks household and non-household member training and expiration dates
Foster Parent Training: Tracks foster parent training and expiration dates
Foster Parent Training (Data): Custom query that pulls together training data for both foster parents in a home
Household And Non-Household Member Training (Data): Custom query that pulls together training data for all individuals related to a home
GCM only:
AR Reports (Enterprise Only)
AR By Client Branch: Pulls data from AR Detail Report (Data)
AR By Primary Payer: Pulls data from AR Detail Report (Data)
AR By Program: Pulls data from AR Detail Report (Data)
AR By Staff Branch: Pulls data from AR Detail Report (Data)
AR Dashboard: Combines the following AR reports: AR By Primary Payer, Program, Client Branch, and Staff Branch, Total Outstanding Balance, and allows filtering by Date of Service, Staff Branch, Client Branch, Program, and Primary Payer
AR Detail Report: Displays data in a grid from AR Detail Report (Data)
AR Detail Report (Data): Custom query that pulls together AR data for audit purposes
Productivity Reports
Hours Document: Units per caseworker and activity type
We will continue to add to this list so check back often to see if we've added something your agency would find helpful!
Note: If your agency is interested in any of the above queries/reports/dashboards and you do not see them in your Zoho workspace, please contact Let us know the exact name of the report(s)/dashboard(s) you would like and the name of the workspace where you would like them to be copied [for example, extendedReach (Helping Hands Demo - TXFC)].