System Settings - System Configuration (Keywords)


  • Introduction
  • Explanation and Purpose of System Configuration
  • Security Level Requirements and Access
  • Keywords


This article is meant to provide you with details on the Keywords Tab in System Configuration. 

If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or contact

Explanation and Purpose of System Configuration

System Configuration is the configuration control center for your agency’s extendedReach system. The Keywords Tab is where you will assign custom options that will affect how your agency will work with eR.


Security Level Requirements and Access

You must be an Agency Administrator to access the “Administration” menu on the left side of your Workspace. Hover over System Settings and click on “System Configuration”.

Image: Organizational Preferences Access Screen



The Keywords tab is where many options for the drop-down fields appear in extendedReach. Be sure to begin in “Edit Mode,” by clicking on the “Edit” button at the top of the screen.

To separate the keywords, enter them in one line at a time. 

Image: System Configuration: Keywords Tab Access Screen


System Keywords

System Keywords is where you can update the Shared File Categories which are found under the Resources > Shared Forms + Files view on the side menu. 

Image: System Keywords


Case Keywords

Case Keywords will update specific fields on the case screen and referral screen with these drop-down items. 

Image: Case Keywords


Field Name Description
Ref. Services Include all possible referral services
Ref. Rej. Reasons Include all possible reasons to reject a referral
Races List all races here that can be chosen from using the drop-down menu on the case profile
Religions List all religions here that can be chosen from using the drop-down menu on the case profile
Languages List all primary languages here that can be chosen from using the drop-down menu on the case profile
Education List all levels of education a client may have
Income List all income ranges a client may have
Employment List all levels of employment (part-time, full-time, etc.)
Relationship Type(s) List all personal relationships a client may have - this will be found in the People tab of the case
Address Book Categories List all relationships multiple client may share - this will be found in the People tab of the case as well as the Address Book section in the Resources menu 
Relationship Properties Include all relationship properties that may pertain to a client's personal relationship (emergency contact, legal guardian, etc.) 
Claim Resubmit / Reject Reasons (only available for those who have the Enterprise Claims Integration with WayStar) Include all reasons for a claim to be resubmitted or reasons why it was rejected


Staff Keywords

Staff Keywords will update specific fields on the staff profiles, found under Organization Settings > Staff Profiles. 

Image: Staff Keywords


Field Name Description
Rate Level List education/certification rate levels for staff
Staff Documents (Mandated) List all staff documents that are mandated
Staff Documents (Other) List any miscellaneous staff documents to be acquired
Staff Trainings (Mandated) List all staff trainings that are mandated
Staff Trainings (Other) List any miscellaneous staff training that can be completed
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