General Case Management - Data Backup


  • Introduction
  • How to Backup extendedReach Data
  • Viewing Backup Data



This feature allows you to maintain a backup of extendedReach data such as case, relationship, staff information, and more!


How to Backup extendedReach Data

Backup your data by going to System Settings > System Configuration > General. Scroll down to the “Data Backup” section and click on “Email Download Link”. A pop-up will then appear, press “Ok” to continue.

Image: System Settings: Email Download Link

Shortly after, you will receive an email from with a download link that is valid for the remainder of the day.

Image: Email Download Link


Viewing Backup Data

Once you’ve clicked on the link, it will download a compressed zip folder. The folder is composed of various Excel CSV sheets full of rich, extendedReach data!

Image: Backup Excel Sheets

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