General Case Management - Side Menu - Accessing Views


  • Introduction
  • Explanation and Purpose of the Side Menu
  • Side Menu Overview
  • My Stuff Section Overview
  • Cases Section Overview
  • Summaries Section Overview



This article is meant to assist you with the extendedReach Side Menu.

If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or contact support at 


Explanation and Purpose of the Side Menu

extendedReach is organized in a manner that allows you to easily access information. Your workspace is customized to meet your specific needs based on your role within your agency. The Side Menu, however, provides comprehensive agency-wide data, accessed through what extendedReach refers to as “Views”.


Side Menu Overview

The following are Side Menu Views along with descriptions of each item.

Image: “Side Menu Overview”


My Stuff Section Overview

Image: “Side Menu: My Stuff Views”


View Name Description
My Workspace Access your customized information on the middle/right portion of the screen
My Calendar Access your calendar, tasks, and appointments


Cases Section Overview

Cases Rosters Views

Image: “Cases Section: Case Rosters Views”


View Name Description
Open by Name Open Cases by name based on the program they assigned to
Pending Referrals Shows all current pending referrals
Call Reminder List Lists all scheduled call dates and times for cases
Unpaid Balances Lists all cases with an outstanding balance
All Cases (Open + Closed) Shows all active and discharged cases
Monthly Census by Program Number of Open Cases in a Program in a particular month or in total over a year
Monthly Census by Worker Number of Open Cases an Agency Case Worker has assigned to them in a particular month or in total over a year


Cases Tasks Views

Image: “Cases Section: Case Tasks Views”


View Name Description
Due Soon/Past Due Lists all reports/activities that are due soon or past due
Daily Activity Summary Indicates whether the daily activities for cases have been completed or not
In Process Lists all reports/activities that are currently in process
Awaiting Approval Lists all reports/activities that are awaiting approval to be marked complete


Summaries Section Overview

Casework Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Casework Views”


View Name Description
Appointments – Scheduled Total appointments scheduled separated by year and month
Activities by Caseworker All activities completed listed by caseworker name
Activities by Client All activities completed listed by client name
Activities by Type All activities completed listed by activity type
General Activities by Type All general activities separated by year and type
Hours by Caseworker Total hours logged by caseworker
Hours by Client Total hours logged by client
No Shows Lists of all no show appointments
Reports by Caseworker All reports completed listed by caseworker name
Reports by Type All reports completed listed by report type
Revisions History of all client revisions that have been made
Units by Caseworker Total units logged filtered by caseworker
Units by Client Total units logged filtered by client
Units by Funding Total units logged filtered by funding organization
Units by Insurance Total units logged filtered by insurance provider
Units by Type Total units logged filtered by activity type
% on Time by Caseworker % of activities and reports that are completed on time by caseworker
% on Time by Program % of activities and reports that are completed on time by agency program


Financial Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Financial Views”


View Name Description
Aging: Invoices Display all outstanding invoices
Aging: Claims Display all outstanding claims
Authorizations Lists all authorizations that have been made by program
Average Fee Average fee per units recorded
Branch Balances Total balances of each branch at the agency
Claims: Rejected All claims that have been rejected
Credit Balances Outstanding credit balances
Payments: Insurance Insurance payments received
Payments: Unapplied Payments received that have not been applied
Payments: Other Miscellaneous payments
Posted: Activity Revenue All revenue generated from activities
Posted: Adjustments All adjustments that have been posted to the agency’s billing system
Posted: Payments All payments that have been posted to the agency’s billing system
Posted: Prepaid Funding All prepaid fundings that have been posted to the agency’s billing system
Posted: Receivables All receivables that have been posted to the agency’s billing system
Posted: Transfers All transfers that have been posted to the agency’s billing system


Demographics Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Demographics Views”


View Name Description
Age Groups cases by age
City Groups cases by city
Diagnosis Groups cases based on diagnosis
Education Groups cases based on education level
Income Groups cases based on income
Gender Groups cases by gender
Language Groups cases by language spoken
Marital Status Groups cases based on marital status
Race Groups cases by race
Religion Groups cases by religion


Intake Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Intake Views”


View Name Description
Referrals by Month Lists the referrals by month and year. Shows the number pending, accepted, and rejected
Cases by Month Shows the amount of cases accepted by year


Discharge Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Discharge Views”


View Name Description
Rejected Referrals by Reason Separates rejected referrals based on rejection reason
Cases by Month Separates discharged cases based on year and month
Cases by Outcome Separates discharged cases based on year and discharge outcome


Custom Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Custom Views”

Add custom links such as the company website or Zoho Reports to this view by going to System Settings -> System Configuration. 


Staff Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Staff Views”


View Name Description
Directory Lists all staff in the organization
Training Lists all trainings completed by staff, segmented by year
Events + Expirations Lists any upcoming training events as well as expired staff trainings


Resources Views

Image: “Summaries Section: Resources Views”


View Name Description
Address Book Use the address book to store commonly shared case contacts such as judges, doctors, therapists, etc.
Shared Forms + Files Organization forms and files can be shared here and accessed by all staff
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