- Introduction
- Scanner Inbox Set Up Credential Requirements
- Scanner Inbox Set Up Access
- Creating a New Inbox Email Address for Users
This article is meant to assist you with Setting Up a Scanner Inbox for a User ID.
If you have a question not addressed here, you can contact support at
Scanner Inbox Credential Requirements
You must be an Agency Administrator to access “Administration” on the left side of your Workspace.
Scanner Inbox Set Up Access
With Agency Administrator credentials, you will go to “Administration” on the left side of your Workspace, then go to “Organization Settings” and click on “Inboxes”.
Image: “Setting Up Scanner Inbox Screen”
Creating a New Inbox Email Address for Users
1. It’s important to ensure the user does not have an existing inbox on their Workspace. Click on “How does this work” to find an existing email address associated with an Inbox.
Image: “How Does this Work Screen”
Image: “How Does this Work Screen”
2. Click on “Inboxes” within “Organization Settings”.
Image: “Setting Up Scanner Inbox Screen”
3. Click on “Add Inbox”
Image: “Add Inbox Screen”
4. Name Inbox
5. Select unique email address. We recommend: First name plus first initial of last name.
6. Indicate to which cases you want attachment documents assigned.
7. Indicate which users will have access to this inbox from their Workspace.
8. Click on SAVE.
Image: “Add New Inbox Screen”
9. Folder will now be on User’s Workspace and will show “Attachments” once an email or scan has been received.
Image: “Workspace Scanner Inbox on Screen”