Authorization Requirements are set at the Program, Activity and/or Case File Level

Require Authorization by Default for All Activities in Program
For any case added to Program, the Require Authorization setting will be visible and selected on the Case Financial tab making an Authorization required for every service unless otherwise indicated:
- Automatically sets all activities to require authorization and can be overridden on activity/service basis to not require an authorization for exceptions to rule.
- Automatically sets up all cases in Program to require authorization and can be overridden by editing and unchecking the “Require Authorization” setting on the Case Financial tab.
Designate if Authorization is Required on Activity
For any case added to Program, the Require Authorization setting will not be visible or selected on the Case Financial tab. No Authorization will be required unless indicated on the Activity Set Up.
- Automatically set Activity to Require Authorization and can be overridden on the activity under Billing tab (Billing Information> Require Authorization checkbox) if needed.
Do Not Track Authorization
For any case added to Program, the Require Authorization setting will not be visible or selected on the Case Financial tab and there will be no options available on the Activity Set Up to require an auth.
Authorization Preferences are set at the Program Level
Program Settings> Programs > Program Set Up:
Authorizations: Do not track authorizations
- Selecting this hides all other Auth related set up options. (#2-#10)
Authorizations: Designate if authorization is required on Activity Type vs Case Screen Bill Options
- Selecting this hides option #3
- (*vs really means “instead of”) Selecting this option removes the Require Authorization setting from Case Financial tab
Authorizations: Require authorization (Default)
- Selecting this hides option #2
Authorizations: Only show authorized activities
- Hides activities for selection on the Add Activity dropdown if they do not have a currently active authorization with units available for that service.
- Hides the Add Activity option if all activities require an Authorization and no active Authorization or units are available, the Add Activity option is not available on that case.
Authorizations: Track authorizations by individual (Client A, Client B, or Relationship)
- When adding an Authorization, the Individual field will be visible, and options will be dependent on settings for linked Family Group ID (System Setting) and/or relationships indicated on People tab for Case.
Authorizations: Hide Authorization #
- When adding an Authorization, the Authorization Number field will not be visible
Authorizations: Default authorizations to be received vs. requested
- When adding an Authorization, the Status field will default to “Received” instead of Pending
Authorizations: Default authorizations to be unit-based (vs. session-based)
- Selecting this hides option # 9
- When adding an Authorization, the “Authorization For:” field will default to “# of Units” instead of “# of Sessions”.
Authorizations: Default authorizations to be unlimited
- Selecting this hides option #8
- When adding an Authorization, the “Authorization For:” field will default to “Unlimited # of Sessions” instead of “# of Sessions”.
Authorizations: Default authorizations to specify activity type
- When selected the Specify Activity Type(s) box is checked and all Program Activity types are checked by default.
- Only activities that have “Authorization is never used/hidden (advanced)” on the Activity Set Up be omitted from the list of available Activity Types when entering an Authorization.
Active/Inactive Authorization System Settings
Authorizations are not automatically moved to Inactive based on the end date of the Auth. When an Authorization moves to Inactive is controlled under System Settings> System Configuration> General.
An Authorization must still be in Active Status to be available for use. An Inactive Authorization will not be available for use, even if there are dates of service and units still available. This setting allows the agency to control how long after the expiration date of the auth they will allow the auth to be available for use. If the setting is left blank, the Authorization must be edited, and the Inactive selection saved.