Enterprise Financials Overview


  • Introduction
  • Explanation of Enterprise Financials
  • Security Level Requirements and Access
  • Using Enterprise Financials


Enterprise Financials (formerly known as Advanced Financial Management) is an optional add-on item. If your agency doesn’t currently have this option and are interested in learning more, please contact sales@extendedreach.com. 

If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or contact support at support@extendedreach.com. 


Explanation of Enterprise Financials

The Enterprise Financials feature allows your agency to do the following:

  • Track detailed invoices and claims
  • Track payments, authorizations, insurance, and account balances
  • Send financial summary data to your accounting system

These features eliminate the need to re-key financial data from extendedReach into an accounting system as well as the need to set up individual customer records within the accounting system. Keeping financial data closer to the case data in extendedReach increases accuracy and the availability of information to those who need it most.

Program managers and administrators typically find tracking and managing balances and detailed financial within extendedReach much easier than within an agency accounting system. These managers and administrators are also more likely to refer to the information on a regular basis, since it is easily accessible.


Security Level Requirements and Access

You must be an Agency Administrator to access “Administration” on the left side of your Workspace. Hover over “Organization Billing”, and you will find multiple menu items related to this advanced tool.

Image: “Organization Billing Access Screen”


Using Enterprise Financials

Once this feature is enabled (by extendedReach Staff) a “Financial” tab will appear on the case screen.  The “Financial” tab is where Authorizations, Payments, and Adjustments are entered.

Use the drop-down menu next to "Show" to filter the view. 

Click on the green buttons (e.g. "Payment", "Adjustment", etc.) to create a new financial record for the case. 

Image: “Case Screen Financial Tab”

When in Edit mode, you can change the funding type of the individual using the "Type" drop-down. You can select Direct, Funding Source, Internal Transfer, or Prepaid Funding. 

Additionally, you can specify whether the client requires authorization, and a copay or deductible needs to be collected. 

Image: “Case Screen Funding Type"

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