- Introduction
- Creating a New Authorization
- Disabling Authorizations
- Unauthorized Sessions
- Authorization Email Alerts
This article is meant to assist you with adding authorizations to case files. This is part of the optional add-on tool, for Enterprise Accounting. If you are interested in the extendedReach Enterprise Accounting tool, please contact
If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or contact support at
Creating a New Authorization
To add an authorization to a case, go to the client's file, click on the Financial tab, and click on the green "Authorization" button.
Image: "Add Authorization"
Enter in all of the highlighted fields for the authorization.
Field Name | Description |
Status | Use the drop-down menu to select whether the authorization has been Received, is Pending, or has been Rejected |
Date Requested | Enter in the date that the authorization was requested |
Date Received | Enter in the date that the authorization was received |
Individual | Select the name of the individual that the authorization is for |
Authorization Type | Use the drop-down menu to select the authorization type (e.g. Funding Source, Insurance, Prepaid Funding) |
Authorization From | Depending on the "Authorization Type", use the drop-down menu to select the authorization provider |
Authorization # | Enter in the provided authorization number. If there is not a number, check the "No Authorization #" box |
Authorization For | Use the drop-down menu to select if the authorization has a given amount of units, sessions, specified dollar amount, or is unlimited |
# Units / Amount | Depending on the "Authorization For" field, enter in the number of units/sessions or dollar amount |
Start Date | Enter in the start date of the authorization |
End Date | Enter in the end date of the authorization |
Specify Activity Types | If you want the authorization to only be available for specific activity types, check the box "Specify Activity Types" and select the activity types |
Image: "Authorization General Screen"
All authorizations for all clients can be viewed by going to Financial > Authorizations.
Image: "All Authorizations"
Disabling Authorizations
Rather than deleting authorizations, they will need to be marked inactive. Marking them inactive will prevent them from being used moving forward and will still allow you to view the old authorization data.
To mark an authorization inactive, go to the client's file, click on the Financial Tab, filter to show Authorizations, then click on the Authorization you want to mark inactive.
Image: "Authorization Screen"
Click on Edit then check the box next to "Inactive" and press Save.
Image: "Inactive Authorization"
The authorization will now not be an option when creating billable activities. The authorization can be viewed and marked active again by going to the Case File > Show: Authorizations and removing the checkmark next to "Inactive".
Unauthorized Sessions
Once an authorization is entered in for a client, the authorization will automatically associate with billable activities. (Note: they will not associate if authorizations are not required for the particular activity or if the activity is associated with a creation trigger)
If an authorization does not associate, you can click on the hyperlinked Authorization found in the Authorization section of the activity and manually add it there.
If an activity is completed without an authorization, a warning will pop-up, warning the worker that the session will be marked as "Unauthorized". They must click on "OK" to continue to mark the session unauthorized.
Image: "Unauthorized Session Warning"
If they click on "OK" the case file will display a message about the number of unauthorized sessions a client has. This is denoted by a red "U" in the Case File Records.
Image: "Unauthorized Sessions"
Unauthorized sessions can be corrected by clicking on the associated activity, and manually adding the authorization.
All unauthorized sessions can be found under Casework > Unauthorized Sessions.
Image: "All Unauthorized Sessions"
Authorization Email Alerts
Agency administrators can create email alerts to notify users when authorizations are expiring, or running out of sessions/ dollar amounts.
To create one of these alerts, go to System Settings > Email Alerts > Add Email Alert.
Image: "New Email Alert"
For the Event Type, you can choose between 3 options:
- Authorization Expiration in X Days
- If selected, enter in the amount of days prior to the expiration date for the email to send
- Authorization Has X or Fewer Sessions/Units Remaining
- If selected, enter in the amount of remaining sessions or units left for the email alert to trigger
- Authorization Has X or Fewer $ Remaining
- If selected, enter in the amount of dollars remaining for the email alert to trigger
Image: "Authorization Email Alert Types"
Fill out the rest of the email alert, then click on Save.