When you try to delete a relationship from the Home People tab, you may get the alert, "This relationship is linked to an activity or report, and cannot be deleted".
Rather than removing them from the People tab, you should change their Relationship Type to "Former Babysitter", "Former Caregiver", etc. We suggest this so that there is an accurate tracking of what did happen in that home, even if they weren't there for long. To add additional
You can ask an agency administrator to add the "Former Babysitter", "Former Caregiver", etc. relationship type under Organization Settings > Organization Preferences > Keywords > Relationships if it's not already there.
If it is a former household member, change the relationship type to "Non-household" and check the box "Former Household Member". Enter information into the "Date Entered Home" and "Date Left Home" field and save.
*Note: Marking a relationship as "Former Household Member" does not affect activity or report expiration/due date tracking. In order for activities and reports associated with this relationship to no longer appear as upcoming tasks, you would need to delete items in Due status or select "Stop Tracking Expiration" on items with expiration dates.