Custom Form Builder


  • Introduction
  • Explanation and Purpose of Custom Form Builder
  • Security Level Requirements and Access
  • Enabling the Custom Form Builder
  • Creating a Custom Form
  • Foster Family Website Use of Custom Form Builder
  • Agency Use of Custom Form Builder


This article is meant to provide you with details about the extendedReach Custom Form Builder, used in Activities and Reports for homes and cases. If you have a question not addressed here, you can search at the bottom of this article in Related Articles or you can contact support at 


Explanation and Purpose of Custom Form Builder

The Custom Form Builder is a tool used to create customized forms within activities and reports. This tool is an upgrade from basic Custom Fields. You can create up to 200 fields, record narratives, and customize of the layout of forms.

Security Level Requirements and Access

You must be an Agency Administrator to access the “Administration” menu on the left side of your Workspace.

Enabling the Custom Form Builder

From an Activity Type or Report Type, click on Edit mode. Click on the General tab, scroll down to Configuration, and place a check-mark in the box next to “Use Custom Form Builder”.

Image: “Form Builder Advanced Options”

Image: “Form Builder Advanced Options: Use Custom Form Builder”

Creating a Custom Form

Click on the Custom tab to begin configuring the custom form.

Image: “Custom Tab”

Custom Fields

  • Add a Field

This is a Drag & Drop Interface. Add available fields found on the right side of the screen, to the the form by dragging and dropping each field into the “Add Fields Here” space, or by simply clicking on the field.

Image: “Custom Tab: Add a Field”

Field Name Description
Section Break Provides a section header or label and visually organizes information to be gathered.
Guidelines/Help Text Includes formattable text that is not able to edited by the user. Often used for tips/ instructions to the user, writing prompts, agreements/consent statements, etc.
Single Line Text Text box remains small for the visual cue that users should provide a short answer. Allows any character.
Date Select a date from a calendar.
Time Select a time, in five minute increments, from a time picker. 
Number Text box allowing only numbers and one decimal. Other special characters (i.e. -, $, %, etc.) not supported.  Often used to capture time in minutes.
Dropdown User may select one value from a customizable list.
Paragraph Text box that can be set to Small, Medium, or Large display size. Increase this space of field for the visual cue that user should expand on answers.
Checkboxes User may select multiple values from a customizable list. Allows user to indicate "Other" and fill in the blank. 
Multiple Choice Radio button-style field allowing user to select one value from a customizable list. Allows user to indicate "Other" and fill in the blank. 
Signature If required, user can sign with a mouse or touch screen.
Treatment Goals Pulls in Client's active treatment goals from the Treatment Goal tab.
Page Break Move a custom form section to a new page for printing purposes. 

Another option is to click on "Copy Another Form". This will provide a pop-up of all custom forms that have been created and saved in your extendedReach system. Select the form you'd like to copy over and click on Ok. 

Image: "Copy Another Form"

To delete a field, simply hover over the field and click on the red X that appears in the lower right hand corner of the box.

Image: “Custom Tab: Delete a Field”

  • Settings

Click on a field, and then click on the Settings tab to customize that field.

Image: “Custom Field Settings”

  • Label: Add labels to name each field.
  • Required: Check this box if you require this field to be completed before the user can continue.
  • Show in Description: Check this box to have the information is the related field appear in the Case File view
  • See above Field Descriptions for more field customization details.

Custom Subform

This is an advanced option for extendedReach developers and can be ignored - please do not use this field unless told to by extendedReach support.

Foster Family Website Use of Custom Form Builder

Custom Forms can be accessed by foster families through the Foster Family Website.

From the activity or report, be sure you are in edit mode. Click on “Show Advanced Options” under “Configuration” within the General tab.

Image: “Show Advanced Options”

Place a check-mark next to “Foster Home initiated report using Custom Form Builder (advanced)”.

Image: “Show on Foster Family Web”

As always, be sure to  SAVE your work.

This is what the foster family will see on the Foster Family Website.

Image: “Foster Family Web Home Page”

The link to the form is found on the home page under “Forms”.

Image: “Foster Family Web: Custom Form”

Agency Use of Custom Form Builder

  • Compliance Checklist

Add activity or report with custom form to the Compliance Checklist. For complete instructions on adding an activity or report to the Compliance Checklist, please see the Adding Activities/Reports to Compliance Checklist article. 

  • Workflow

Go to compliance checklist within a case or home, and click on the revised report/activity. Complete form and continue with your workflow process. 

  • Use Field Codes to push information into Microsoft Word Documents

Every time you create a new field in Custom Form Builder, a field code number is assigned to that field.

Image: “Custom Field Settings Field Codes”

There are two ways you can use these numbers as field codes:

1. Pull data from a custom form field into a document or narrative on that same activity or report

For Activities:  <YCF[FIELD #]>

For Reports:  <PCF[FIELD #]>

2. Pull a field from the last completed activity/report of a specific type

Home Report Format:  <FHREP-CustomField_Value_[FIELD #]-[Report Name]>

Home Activity Format:  <FHACT-CustomField_Value_[FIELD #]-[Activity Name]>

Case Report Format:  <CCREP-CustomField_Value_[FIELD #]-[Report Name]>

Case Activity Format:  <CCACT-CustomField_Value_[FIELD #]-[Activity Name]>

For example, to pull the 25th field from the Fire Drill home report use  <FHREP-CustomField_Value_25-Fire Drill>

For more details regarding adding field codes for last completed reports or activities, click here

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