My Home Section


  • Introduction
  • Foster Home Information
  • Family Profile
  • Earnings History
  • Training and Upcoming Events
  • Upload Documentation 


The My Home section of the Foster Family Website is designed for you to access License, Training, and Payments information.

Foster Home Information

This information will automatically appear, as it is pulled directly from your agency’s data-base. If you notice this information is incorrect, use the Communication tab to send your agency worker a message with the corrected contact details.

Image: Foster Family Website: My Home Screen

Family Profile

Click on “Create Profile” or “Edit Profile” to record information regarding your home. With a family profile, your agency is better able to match children and assist in preparing a foster child before they arrive. Click on "Submit" once you have finished your profile. 

Image: Family Profile: Create Screen

Image: Family Profile: Create and Submit Screen

Earnings History

View your earnings based on days care rates. Scroll through pages by clicking boxes: First, Previous, 1-X, Next, Last.

Image: Earnings History Section

Training and Upcoming Events

This is an at-a-glance view of upcoming trainings and events as well as training that has been completed during the year. 

Image: Training and Upcoming Events Sections

Upload Documentation

There are two ways to upload documents/files related to your foster home. First, documentation can be uploaded through the large, blue “Upload Documentation” button located on the right side of the screen. The second way is to click on the hyperlinks located in the Checklist, and upload the associated report or activity.

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